Differences Between Cats And Dogs That Are Impossible Not To Laugh At

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There’s a never-ending battle between cat and dog owners, trying to establish their pets as the superior ones. To recap arguments of both sides, we have decided to collect some of the funniest ‘They Can Talk’ comics about the differences between the beloved four-legged companions.

Jimmy Craig started ‘They Can Talk’ in July of 2015. “I’ve always loved animals and comics,” he told us. “When I look at animals I try to imagine what they can actually be saying.” It seems that Craig has thoroughly explored the minds of these members of the animal kingdom, constantly finding new and funny perspective on how they view the world. “I think animals, like humans, have their own unique personalities so it’s fun to imagine the conversations they might have.” From interacting with humans to enjoying hobbies, these illustrations cut to the very core of what these adorable creatures seem to be thinking of on a daily basis.

Craig – who is currently petless – said he likes both cats and dogs. “But if I had to pick one I’d say I’m more of a dog-person, because… dogs.” The artist, however, will probably have to forget his preference at least for a little while. “My wife just told me we’re getting two cats really soon.” Scroll down to check out his amazing strips, upvote your favorites and tell us in comments what is your choice, cats or dogs!

You can already pre-order the first book of They Can Talk on Amazon.

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