This Dapper Dog Is On Tinder Looking For The Perfect Belly Rub

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Phil, a malamute and social media darling from the Instagram account Lifewithmalamutes, has taken cuteness to the next level. It all started when Phil served as the best man at his owner’s wedding. The dog’s custom-made bow tie, in addition to his soulful eyes and plush coat, made female hearts flutter across the internet. Phil’s owner decided it was time for his dog to find love of his own, so he created a Tinder account for his pup. Now, Phil seeks the closest thing to heaven that a dog can experience: the perfect belly rub. He’s had more than a few entertaining conversations with his matches as he tries his hand — er, paw — at the world of online dating. Here are some of Phil’s exchanges from Tinder while seeking that pair of magical hands to make his tail wag.

8. Belly Rubs On The Side

Someone’s ready to get down to business! Phil offers to bring his bow tie while his admirer offers to bring her fingers and milk biscuits. A magical night is sure to follow … as long as Bridget’s own dog doesn’t figure out that she has another dog on the side.

7. So, Do You Fetch Here Often?

Phil gets into his groove with a conversation about playing fetch. Hopefully, this conversation will steer toward belly rubs soon enough.

6. Handsome Boy

Not all dogs are created equal, and Phil tries to separate himself from the rest of the pack with his smashing bow tie and adorable doggy grin. Whether or not it works is a private matter between him and his potential connection, Becksy.

5. First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage

Sophia offers all the belly rubs, and Phil is won over. He immediately offers marriage in return, because really, how can you beat all the belly rubs? The marriage would be illegal, of course, but poor Phil is only a dog. Legal terms are a bit over his head.

Click ‘next’ to read on and check out more of Phil’s hilarious conversations on Tinder!

4. A Strong, Independent Dog

Some encounters via Tinder are less auspicious than others, such as this one between Phil and his online match, Marion. He’s an independent dog who wants belly rubs, not walks. And that’s OK — you win some, you lose some.

3. The Goodest Boy

Phil is a good boy, “the goodest,” he tells the ladies on Tinder. As the goodest boy of all, Phil deserves all those belly rubs. But some of his online matches may need more convincing.

2. Social Media Star

Right off the bat, Andrea declares Phil the cutest person — er, dog — on Tinder. And who is he to disagree? Not one to shy away from an opportunity, he makes sure his potential admirer is following him on all of his social media channels. What a shrewd pup!

1. Setting Tinder On Fire

Phil has not only found a fan, but he’s also garnered a 12 out of 10 rating from his admirer, Kassidy. She even offers to pet the pooch if they ever encounter each other on the street. This is getting real!

Phil isn’t the only famous malamute in his family. His new mom brought into the household Niko, a female malamute that also served as the maid of honor at the wedding. The two dogs are furry siblings to ragamuffin kitty Milo as well, making for quite the quintet. You can keep up with the furry family members on Instagram, Imgur, and YouTube.

The internet has certainly become the place to look for love these days, so what if dogs began navigating the web for their own companionship? Click the link below to check out these missed connections from Craigslist, specifically for dogs!

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