Cops Risk Their Lives To Rescue Cat And Dog From House Fire After Children Cry Out For Their Pets

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When first responders answer the call, they’re never quite sure what they may find. A burning house can be anything as simple as a cooking experiment gone awry, or a potentially deadly (and infectious) flurry of flames that threatens the home and everything within.

When children and pets without parental supervision are involved, there’s even more reason to worry. Fortunately for one Long Island family, this dangerous, worst-case scenario had a happy ending.

The fire broke out in a family home on the afternoon of March 5th, when two young boys, 11 and 13, were home with their pets. The cause is uncertain, but both boys were able to escape the smoky house shortly before Suffolk County Police arrived.

They were okay but hadn’t been able to save Tiger and JJ, their beloved cat and dog. Without hesitation, the firefighters rushed into the home in search of the pair.

The smoky atmosphere made it hard to see clearly, but fortunately, officers Sergio Rivera and James Galanos were able to follow the sounds of JJ’s whimpering to his crate. It was obscured by the smoke and flames in a corner of the home by a couch.

The fire had nearly reached him, so officer Rivera picked up the wire frame and quickly moved him to safety on the grassy lawn. Officer Galanos followed and, after taking a moment to catch his breath, reentered the home in search of Tiger.

Outside, Rivera tended to JJ and made sure the boys were okay. Inside, Galanos struggled to locate the second family pet as the blaze spread.

Fortunately, he caught a glimpse of the tabby rushing towards the basement and was able to quickly follow. Once there, he quickly caught the cat and fought his way back up through the smoke and onto the lawn. Aside from the scare, both animals and both boys were unharmed.

The rescue of JJ and Tiger was the result of fast action and a little luck. The Suffolk County Police Department’s Facebook first shared the story, calling it a “lucky day” for the pair of pets and their family.

Firefighters arrived shortly after and contained the blaze, with the family home still standing and externally undamaged.

The family looks forward to the many years they still have with their “furbabies,” all thanks to the quick thinking of officers Rivera and Galanos!

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