Cookie’s Former Owner Skipped Town and Dumped Her on the Streets When They Left

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Cookie has been through hell in a hand basket. When her former humans moved away back in 2013, they decided that they didn’t want to take Cookie with them, so they just left her. She’s since been rescued, and is hanging out with our friends at the Hempstead Town Animal Shelter in New York. She’s their longest, current resident, and we’re trying to help her out.

While she loves her new friends at the shelter, she’s unfortunately been waiting for a very long time for a forever home.  In fact, she’s been there the longest out of any of the dogs at the shelter.  That’s why we are very proud to present her as our LWD Adoptable Dog of the Day.

Let’s let Cookie’s friends at the shelter introduce her

Cookie is our number 1 LONGEST RESIDENT, and has been waiting for her forever home since August 31, 2013.  This sweet 6-and-a-half-year-old beauty came to us as a stray after the owner skipped town and left Cookie on the street.  

Thankfully, the neighbors knew her, and called us right away to come pick her up.  Cookie spend the next 3 years in the shelter, just hoping and praying she would be noticed by an adopter, but that has never happened.  What did happen though, is that a staff member decided to bring Cookie into their home to foster while we search for her forever home.

Cookie has now been in foster care since November 2016, and we are thrilled to report that Cookie is the BEST house guest!  Not only is Cookie 100% house trained, but she literally didn’t even have ONE accident!  Cookie also is comfortable and happy in the crate, when necessary, although we quickly learned she could be trusted to be loose in the house when home alone or unsupervised.

Cookie loves to run around in the yard, loves to play with toys, and takes treats super gently.  Cookie loves all people who visit the home, she is super smart and listens very well, and she is the most amazing kisser and cuddler.  Cookie has dog siblings right now, and although her foster parents are taking it very slow, so far, so good!  Cookie could either live as a solo dog, or maybe with one, laid back dog.

Cookie’s ideal home would be with savvy dog parents, who will love her, cherish her and keep her safe.  If you are interested in giving Cookie a forever home, please contact the shelter to set up a meet and greet: 516-785-5220

To see Cookie’s bio page, click here.  To see the shelter’s main page, click here.  To see their Facebook page, click here.

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