Clever Dog Takes The Bus By Herself Every Day To Go To The Park

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It’s not news that dogs love going to the park. They get to see all the other people and animals and smell all of the good smells! If they could somehow get there by themselves, they’d definitely do it every day. How do I know that? Because one dog actually does it! 🙂

A black Labrador named Eclipse boards the bus every day by herself to go to the park. The smart dog even knows which stop is hers and exits there to go have her daily fun! And her fellow Seattle passengers seem to love the company.

Eclipse has an owner, and he goes to the park with her sometimes. But when he’s taking too long to finish a cigarette as the bus arrives, the dog will go ahead and leave without him! How funny is that? 😀

See this dog’s daily routine in full in the video below.

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