Cheerfully Chubby Christmas Ready Pugs
Dogs are cute, but dogs dressed up in costume are even cuter. It’s science; dogs + costumes = the cutest things. Let’s narrow down the costumes choices because we all know dogs are at their best when they’re dressed up for Christmas. This season, bask in the glory that is pugs dressed in their Christmas best.
1. “I am a tiny crocheted Christmas tree.”
2. Santa Pug
3. “Grandma got run over by a rein-pug…wait…”
4. Kiss me under the dog wearing mistletoe!
5. “Oh Christmas pug, oh Christmas pug…”
6. “Buddy the Pug, what’s your favorite color?”
7. The happiest pug in the world.
8. “Baby it’s cold outside.”
9. “Um well, I’m dressed like a present, and I’m under the tree, so….”
10. Even Santa gets tired sometimes.
11. “I really, really, really don’t want to go to that ugly Christmas sweater party.”
12. “What’s my present though?”
13. Pugs also make great tree toppers.
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