Dog Videos
CategoryCat And Dog Have Totally Changed Their Moms’ Lives
Cat And Dog Have Totally Changed Their Moms’ Lives | This woman was a dog person until she met this cat — and her wife was a cat person until she met this dog!
Polite golden retriever asks owner for meat from the dinner table
This is the hilarious moment a golden retriever asked its owner for some meat off a kitchen table in northern China.
The clip, captured in Benxi City in Liaoning Province on December 6, shows a …
Bulldog is a Snoring Sweetie
Info from Licensor: “Buggy is a special needs Bulldog saved by NorCal Bully Breed Rescue in Sacramento, California. He now lives happily with his family in the Northern suburbs of Chicago.
He l…
Newfoundland makes enjoying Christmas movie impossible
When the holiday season comes, who doesn’t love to get cozy and enjoy their favorite Christmas flicks? Unfortunately, Samson the very big and very loud Newfoundland doesn’t respect this time honore…
Cat Shows Extreme Dose Of Patience With Energetic Dog
This highly tolerant Maine Coon shows us the meaning of patience. Watch as he deals with the family Pit Bull, who may be just a little bit too excited to make a new friend. Credit to ‘tglander99’.
Cat Gets Vocal About His Love For Mac n’ Cheese
Every species’ babies are adorable in their own way, but we have to say that, hands down, kittens are the most adorable baby animal in the world!
With their squeaks and those itsy bitsy pawsies…
Ninja Kitten Uses Its Tiny Marshmallow Paws To Show Dog Who’s The Boss
A video has emerged of a curious kitten performing a surprise attack on a dog, seeking for attention and trying to set a few ground rules. During this comic encounter, the dog is patiently waiting …
Tolerant cat runs out of patience with playful puppy
Check out this adorable interaction between an impressively patient cat and an overly-attached puppy. Priceless!
Rescue Dog is Ready to Roll
Info from Licensor: “So this is my boy, Rosco P. Coltrane. I rescued him from the Butler Humane Society in 2014. When I was laid off we spent six months together all day, every day. One day I got o…
Puppy dumped in trash couldn’t be happier 1 week later
Shivering in a pile of trash on one of the coldest days of the year, little Mia was found at 1.9 pounds malnourished with an upper respiratory infection.
Ironically, the man who found her had a…
Squirrel Decides To Hide His Acorn In Dog’s Fur
This adorable squirrel must be a little confused! It looks like he’s trying to get ready for winter by burying his nut, but the problem is where he’s trying to bury his acorn!
Abandoned in a desert town and scared of men, but I had a magical trick for that.
This video was filmed over a year ago, but I never had a chance to post it. I want to make sure everybody’s story is told, so here is Sheena’s rescue story for you.
Homeless dog – so close to death so many times!!!
Homeless dog – so close to death so many times!!!
Dog Too Scared To Let Us Save Her, Hides In The Woods
Howl Of A Dog rescued this scared homeless dog from a roadside. Catching her was quite a challenge as she was too close to the busy road and we were worried she might make a sudden move and run int…