Dog Videos
CategoryShort-Spine Dog Is Everyone’s Best Friend
Short-Spine Dog Is Everyone’s Best Friend | This dog doesn’t look like anyone else in the world.
Man Sees Horse In The Pool, And The Graceful Swim Proves It Wasn’t Its First Time
Animals are like humans in a lot of ways, and sometimes they even need a pool break! A refreshing dip in the swimming pool can ease our minds and relax our bodies, so it’s no wonder a horse may als…
Morning Routine Between This Cat And Dog Will Put You On Cloud Nine
The morning routine between this cat and dog is too adorable. The lucky owner gets to wake up every morning to this cute cuddle session between two unlikely pals. This is what love is all about!
Elderly dog surrendered – family no longer wanted the responsibility
At 11 years of age, and elderly dog named Dober was surrendered to a busy California animal care facility because his family no longer wanted the responsibility of pet ownership. Now, Dober is one …
Dog And A Prairie Dog Enjoy An Incredibly Rare Friendship
This is a very cute video that portrays an extremely rare sight. There have been videos on many social media sites that show rare friendships between two very different species of animal, but the o…
Tiny Baby Porcupine Adorably Drinks From A Bottle
The rule that babies are cute and cuddly has just been broken. This baby porcupine is far from cute, and probably not cuddly. One false move and its handler is going to get a handle full of quills….
Dog Has Hilarious Reaction When Owner Says The Magic Word
Pets can really make for some fun and entertaining moments! We love to have them around us and they can be endlessly entertaining! All over the Internet there are videos of pets or animals doing so…
Homeless Dog Taking Refuge In The Mountains Just Needed To Feel Love
Hope For Paws received a call about a homeless dog taking refuge in the mountains. The poor thing was alone and surrounded by predators, and she just needed a helping hand. The dog would try to run…
Yorkie Pups Adorably Scare Off The ‘Intruders’ Mama Spots In The Backyard
All dogs are guard dogs at heart, even when they’re just puppies. You may think a one-pound Yorkie pup wouldn’t be big or scary enough to be effective, but you’d be wrong! The three-week-old puppie…
Man’s Black Lab Runs Off, Comes Back And Jumps In Car With New Friends
Bo the black Lab ran away from home, so his owner set out in search of him. And when Kyle Krier saw his dog coming in the distance in a huge field, he spotted two other “dots” running alongside Bo….
Dog Rescued From The Pound Is Scared Of Everyone—Until She Gets A Belly Rub
Mina was rescued from a public pound in Romania by Howl Of A Dog. The dog was severely ill, malnourished, and suffering from anemia and skin infections. She didn’t know love and trembled in fear an…
Dog Barks At ‘Stranger’ Before Recognizing Him As His Dad Who’s Been Away
Indus the Husky/Malamute/Timber Wolf mix had been missing his dad, Devin Ekstom, who’d been away at basic army training for the past 10 weeks. And when Dad came home for the holidays to see his fam…
Don’t be binging on horror movies!
Do you ever feel like someone is watching when you are taking a shower?? Well.. be careful!.. because someone may actually be there!… behind the curtains…!
Curiously confused pup displays epic head tilts
Check out how Ruby responds when her owner explains her day to her. Priceless!