Dog Videos
CategoryYoung Baboon Adorably Grooms Puppy
A young baboon on a ship is holding a puppy in her arms like her baby. Occasionally she would catch pleas on the puppy who sits quietly close to her. Adorable!
Needy dog stands on back legs and waves paws for attention
By Randal Coombs A needy dog stands on its back legs and waves its paws for attention. As Edward Brown watched over his toy poodle, bichon frise mix, Pluto the pooch demanded he give him more respe…
Two Newfoundlands engage in precious tug-of-war
Samson and Ollie engage in the cutest tug of war ever over an emoji pillow. These two powerful dogs could potentially do a lot of damage to that pillow very quickly, but this appears to be a gentle…
Great Dane puppy furious to wake up at 3:30 AM
These people own The Bagel Factory Cafe in Birmingham, Michigan, and even this tired puppy knows that 3:30 am is too early to wake up!
Paralyzed Dog Gets Special Ski Legs to Explore Ontario Snow
A dog whose hind legs were paralyzed following a road accident got a chance to play in the snow in Owen Sound, Ontario, thanks to a special pair of “ski attachments” to his harness.
Beagle Gets A Bit Distracted At The Dog Show, And The Crowd Goes Wild
Dog shows are fun to watch, and it’s not always the most efficient and fastest dogs who are the most entertaining. Most people seem to love seeing a dog be a dog, and that means seeing some flaws a…
Dog Wondering Whether Or Not To Trust Rescuers Just Wants To See Owners Again
Hope For Paws received a text on their emergency line about a dog who needed help. And the person who sent the text offered to assist with the rescue. When they arrived, they saw the scared little …
Malamute Hysterically Pesters Woman For Her Cookie
This Malamute is doing everything in his power to steal this young woman’s cookie. Too funny!
Boxer Hilariously Spins Bin In Circles
Frank the boxer thinks the outside bin is a toy. Hysterical!. Boxer Hilariously Spins Bin In Circles.
Mom Throws Ball For Dog, And He Comes Back With Something Else Entirely
Who knew fetch could be so funny? It’s a game that’s embedded in every dog (and some cats!) from birth, but individually they all have their own differences and rules when it comes to exactly how t…
Pittie Puppy Found Tied To Pole LOVES His New Life | The Dodo Pittie Nation
Pittie Puppy Found Tied To Pole LOVES His New Life | Watch this puppy go from tied to a pole to the love of his dad’s life 💙💙💙
Tiniest Puppy Loves To Race Around On His Wheels | The Dodo Little But Fierce
Tiniest Puppy Loves To Race Around On His Wheels | Imagine if this was your dog 💛💛💛
Very Good Boy Is Looking For A Forever Home
Meet William! William is an adorable 3yr old terrier mix looking for his forever home in California!
This Guy’s A Hero To Families Who Lost Pets In Wildfire
This Guy’s A Hero To Families Who Lost Pets In Wildfire | This guy just keeps rescuing cats who got lost in the wildfire months ago 🙌