Dog Videos
CategorySkateboarding Dachshund Puppy Shows Off Impressive Skills In Paris Square
People say that, over time, dogs start to resemble their owners, both in looks and in behavior. Whether it’s the animals that start imitating their humans, or the humans start to identify themselve…
Budgie Loves Preening Doggy Best Friend
We have to admit that sometimes the actions of our pets don’t make much sense to us. Did they chew on the couch because they thought it was a ginormous juicy bone? Did they trash the room because i…
Sheepdog Is Suppose to Be Guarding Sheep But Has Other Plans In Mind!
It appears that rolling around on the hay and playing with the sheep are part of the job description for this sheepdog! Hilarious!
Bulldog not allowed on bed, decides to sleep there anyway
Porkchop isn’t allowed to sleep on the bed, but that won’t stop him from dreaming about happy times! Hilarious!
Downward Dog: Service Dog Sweetly Interrupts Yoga Routine
When Jenny D’Agostino tried to have a relaxing yoga session at her home in Round Lake, Illinois, service dog Quinn thought it was playtime. As D’Agostino moved through the yoga positions, Quinn swe…
Playfully puppy totally falls off the couch
Leo the Keeshond gets so carried away with his game that he is totally oblivious of his surroundings. The result is a spectacular fall!
Cheeky Pup: K9-in-Training Grabs Officer’s Camera Strap During Photo Shoot
An adorable trainee police dog decided to grab a police officer’s camera strap during a recent photo shoot in Prackovice nad Labem, in the Czech Republic. Footage shared by the Policie České republ…
Puppy doesn’t like Maple Leafs hat being worn in her house
River is a playful puppy who likes to chew and chase things, as most puppies do. But she took a serious interest in Brent’s hat and seemed desperate to remove it from his head. Whether it was becau…
Excited Puppy Absolutely Loves Listening To Music
The German Shepherd is known for its courage. Originally, its job was to defend sheep against wolves and those genes are largely alive and well. They make excellent guard dogs; additionally, they a…
Corgi LOVES the Shower!
We all know that cats are notorious for not willing to get nowhere near the water. But did you know that some dogs are even worse than cats when it comes to taking a much-needed shower? Well, not i…
Dissatisfied Dog Growls in Disgust at His Breakfast
Wriggly, a seven-year-old Great Pyrenees from Oakland, is a pretty fussy eater. And he’s not shy about letting his human know when the food is not to his liking. Here he is whining over his breakfa…
Silly Boxer Found A Way To Get Endless Laughs From His Human Baby Sister
There’s nothing like a friendship between a kid and a dog. They somehow bond right away, and it lasts forever and ever. In the video below, you’ll see an example of one of these great friendships a…
Silly Boxer Found A Way To Get Endless Laughs From His Human Baby Sister
There’s nothing like a friendship between a kid and a dog. They somehow bond right away, and it lasts forever and ever. In the video below, you’ll see an example of one of these great friendships a…
Dog And Baby Spot A Friend Outside And Adorably Compete For The Best View
This boy and dog are best friends, and they like to do everything together. This is a common thing with most children and their pet companions, but these two buddies were caught on camera doing som…