Dog Videos
CategoryPlayful puppy adorably irritates much older dog
Louie is not happy with a new pooch named Tucker coming into its life. He can be seen in this clip getting very annoyed at the little puppy beside him.
Goofy dog walks around with box on head
Labradoodles are obviously part retriever and this lab obviously has some of those retrieving genes working. These sibling miniature labradoodles live in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada and althou…
Puppy makes great escape to join doggy friends
Pixie is potty training so she doesn’t have the run of the place yet. Or does she? Her owners finally catches how she escapes to join her other canine friends! Hilarious!
Cute Toddler Helps Feed Three Obedient Dogs
There is no denying it that canines are really good pets. They require enough attention, but never in abundance. They are great judges of character and they magically know when you need their slobb…
Homeless Puppy Living Among Pigs In Thailand Gets The Chance Of A Lifetime
It is a sad truth that so many animals live day in and day out without much hope. But what do you consider a sad life that truly turns around? We think that qualifies as a miracle, don’t you?
Officer Says Goodbye To K-9 Partner With Final Radio Call
Humans are creatures of habit. We like the feeling of control we get whenever we repeat the same action. It is good for our mental health and it simply makes life easier. It gets things done faster…
Service Dog Adorably Deals With Its Owner’s Anxiety Attack
In this video, the girl is simulating an anxiety attack to train the service dog. You see her hitting her head, pulling on her legs and hair. The dog stays calm and gently places his paws on her ha…
Puppies Play in Their First Snowstorm
Info from Licensor: “Our Goldendoodles are 6 weeks old in this video. They were never outside until this video when we were in the process of getting 8 inches of snow. We decided to let our 7 puppi…
Dog doesn’t get how escalators work
These escalators were installed to ease the walk up for residents in Medellín, Colombia. But this dog decided to use the same escalators to go down. End result? The pup stayed in the same position …
Playful French bulldog gets soaked trying to block street fountain
A playful French bulldog from France was caught trying to block a fountain.
The hilarious video, shot in Nice in August 2018, shows a Frenchie hopping and shifting to try and stop the water spra…
Nine adorable puppies play with stuffed animal
Bernese mountain dog puppies are exceptionally cute and fluffy on their own, but they are even more adorable when they are in a group. These puppies are eight weeks old and they are playful and cur…
Adorable Doggy Balances On A Ball
Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal – all these complementary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell a…
Hidden camera captures naughty dog’s antics
Recently Brent and Elsa have been coming home to couches that are becoming damaged. Poncho their rescue dog has gone through a number of personality changes over her 12 years. Becoming a senior poo…
A dog named Snoop offered to adopt him when he was dumped in the street is finally rehomed
An adorable Staffie called Snoop who went viral after CCTV showed him being dumped by the side of the road has been rehomed.
Millions of people around the world watched in horror as the mutt was…