Dog Videos
CategoryThis Puppy is Running in Circles!
Tail chasing is some of the funniest things that puppies and kittens do, but a pup in this video goes one step further! An adorable pup runs around a kitchen island and tries to get the other end o…
German Shepherd Has Hilarious Reaction To Cheese Challenge
This is Meeko! Her reactions the the ‘cheese challenge’ have always been hilarious, and this attempt is no different! Watch as she goes into a funny freeze state with her new found cheesy eye patch…
Officer Saves Puppy, Falls Asleep Waiting By Her Side After A Long Shift
Officer Kareem Garibaldi was on duty in Lakeland, Florida, when a puppy ran out in front of his car. He was able to swerve and avoid the puppy, and he immediately pulled over to make sure she was s…
27 Dogs Get A Second Chance At Life After Neighbors Report A Bad Smell
A few years back, a home in Riverside, California, was raided after neighbors complained of a bad smell coming from next door. Inside the house, authorities found 27 starving and 12 dead pit bulls….
Puppy gets super excited over new squeaky toy
River is a puppy with a lot of enthusiasm for everything. She was literally moments from death two days before Christmas and she now seems to live as if she is somehow aware that every day is a pre…
Great Dane discovers sprinklers, happily runs through them
Check it out as Mikey the Great Dane has so much fun pouncing and bouncing through the sprinklers, with his ears flopping along the way. Awesome!
Confused dog barks at his reflection in the mirror
This home has had this mirror for almost a year and this silly pup sees it consistently, but he’s never reacted like this before! Check it out!
Great Dane puppy makes progress with newspaper delivery
Mikey the Great Dane is making progress with his newspaper delivery skills. Watch and laugh as he proudly picks up the newspaper by the gate and carries it in the direction of the house. The newspa…
His Own Worst Enemy
This dog is engaged in an epic battle, but I don’t think he realizes that his adversary is none other than…himself? He thinks he’s protecting his bone from some envious rival, but it’s really just …
Nervous pup gets doggy biscuit during traffic stop
Officer Amanda Tobler stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation and saw that one of the occupants was a little nervous for its owner. Having dogs of her own, Officer Tobler keeps doggy biscuits in …
Golden Retriever Bows Head And Prays With Owner
Among other things, people love to show off their pets. They are treated as stars, as cute toy creatures that give one joy, or even ugly, but ridiculously funny pets. Pets are, and this is a fact, …
Malamute Patiently Waits For Food To Be Pushed Under His Head
Dude the Alaskan Malamute waits patiently and needs permission to eat his food after his food bowl is pushed under his head. Hysterical!
Cheeky Dog Gets Caught Stealing Toilet Roll
Brisbane man Hudson had a surprise when he got home and saw toilet roll strewn across his kitchen floor with a furry culprit to blame.
Video of the papery mess, filmed on March 30 in Brisbane, A…
California Dog Reunited With Owner After Video Goes Viral
Andrew the pug was reunited with his human after a video of his alleged abduction went viral.