Dog Videos
CategoryLittle tiger kittens born in a box and needed our help. They are now ready for adoption!!!
The sad truth about this story is that JoAnn Wiltz also found two additional kittens who were already dead. We didn’t want to get blocked or have the video have an age restriction, but it’s just th…
Abandoned dog didn’t trust us, but then her guardian angel showed up!
We are so lucky to be supported by you with your donation and we are so lucky to meet lovely people on our journies to save lives.
Family Wants To Help Their Nearly Blind Dog, And Vet’s Suggestion Prolongs His Life
Like all dog owners, this family wanted to do everything possible to keep their pooch as healthy and active as possible and prolong his quality of life. And when 11-year-old Gremlin started having …
Stray Poodle Needed Help But Was Always Too Scared To Seek It
Hope For Paws was alerted of a homeless Poodle by the founders of A.R.T. N’ Paws and set out for a late night rescue. Liraz and Allan followed the dog until she was too tired to move on. The poor g…
Family Checks Security Camera Footage And Sees A Bear Playing The Piano
A Colorado family returned home to find their house trashed, so they quickly called the police and reported a burglary. But the intruder turned out to be no burglar…
From the press release: …
Mom Tells Pup To Sit, But Luckily His Brother Is A Bit Older And Wiser
Now this is one smart dog! Mom’s trying to teach the young pup to “sit,” but luckily, he has a friend to show him how it’s done — a friend who is a bit older and wiser!
Watch as big brother …
Police Want To Wait For Owners To Return To Save Dogs Trapped In Hot Car
For whatever reason, it keeps happening; dog owners all over continue to leave their pets inside vehicles all alone on hot days thinking it’ll be fine as long they get back to them quickly. But eve…
Man Drops His Dog Off At The Shelter For Being ‘Too Affectionate’
A man returned his dog to the shelter because she’s too affectionate and “always wants to be by my side.” A bystander took a photo of the confused dog, and it changed her life forever.
To be…
Cat Given Only 20% Chance To Live Is Now Going Home To His Dog Friend
Camila the Labrador sat around all day waiting for some good news and hoping her cat friend would be able to return home safely. Tobias the cat was given only a 20% chance of survival, but miraculo…
Odd-Looking Puppy Abandoned By Breeder Wonders If He Could Ever Be Loved
An American Bulldog puppy was only 5 weeks old and weighed only a pound when he was abandoned by his breeder. The tiny pup looked strange because of a cleft palate and he was sick, so he was not wa…
Six Years On A Chain Weren’t Going To Keep This Good Boy Down
For the first six years of Cooper’s life, he was chained up outside around the clock. He couldn’t run and play and never received affection of any kind — until the PETA fieldworkers showed up. The …
Nervous Dog Watches Intently As Dad Tries To Save Stuffed Toy’s Life
Hayley Alaxanian has a dog named Leo. And Leo’s favorite toy is a brown stuffed animal that he takes with him everywhere he goes. So when the day came that the toy had lived its life and started fa…
Dog Held On Hoping Someone Would Come Rescue Her From This Mess
Animal Aid Unlimited is doing their part to help the animals in need in their country. Whether it be dogs, cats, or cows, they are making sure each and every one gets a second chance at life. Stray…
Dog Had Been Trapped In A Tank All Night, But They Refused To Let Him Die
So many animals are in need of rescue all over the world, and Animal Aid Unlimited is helping to take care of the strays in India. Whether it’s a dog or cow, the organization feels each animal dese…