Dog Videos
CategoryWatch These Dogs Adorably Synchronize Their Head Tilts!
You guys…can we talk for a second about Pugs? There’s just something about them. Their wrinkly faces, their adorable bellies…this is one breed that definitely knows how to turn on the charm.
In …
Dog Does Yoga With Owner
This is a video of Panchino the chihuahua doing yoga poses in sync with his person. It’s pretty adorable. And, if you’re me, a little enraging. Why can’t my dogs do cute stuff so I can post videos …
Nothing To See Here, Just An Adorable Little Puppy Strolling The Grocery Aisles
When I go to the grocery store, I rarely dawdle. I’ve got my list, I know where to go, I get in the shortest line, and I’m out of there. But, if there was something to make me stay and hang out, li…
Watch As This Police Officer Walks Into Highway Traffic To Save A Lost Pup
Dogs can get a little lost when left to their own directionless devices. Until we get around to creating Google Maps for pooches, they will still get into predicaments like this pup who found himse…
Shelter Workers Made An Awesome Music Video To Encourage People To Adopt!
We’ve seen ads everywhere encouraging people to adopt animals at the shelter. Different organizations, animal advocates, and shelters all around the world are doing what they could to promote the a…
Oakley the Dog Tells His Owner What It’s Like to Be a Wet Dog
Oakley the dog has just had a bath and emphatically tells his owner what it’s like to be a wet dog in this video by Pets Add Life.
This Dog Doubles As An Adorable Babysitter For His Little Sister
Finding a decent babysitter can be a nightmare. The tween next door is always too distracted by TV and the professional nanny service your friends use can be expensive. Maybe you should consider an…
These Dogs Freak Out After Getting A Bath, And It’s Adorable And Hilarious
Some dogs love taking baths…others, not so much. They’ll run away, hide under couches and tables, or bark for mercy. A lot of dogs will also get a sudden burst of energy after taking a bath. They…
Clever French Bulldog Puppy Gets His Revenge On The Family Cat
Keen readers already know that 10-week-old French bulldog puppy Pixel is locked in a seemingly never-ending battle with the family cat over his bed. (You can find their previous battle here.)
This Adorable French Bulldog Loves To Be Tickled More Than Any Human I Know
I don’t know about you, but I hate being tickled. It’s more terrifying than fun, seeing as it’s almost impossible to catch your breath, and the tickler just doesn’t understand that this is the wors…
They Did WHAT To This Pup’s Legs?!
WHEW!!! Don’t worry, it’s not what you think! Thanks to the good folks over at Pit Bulls & Parolees, this sweet little pup, Blanche, will have a better chance at a normal life.
Blanche is a young …
Dogs Sleep In WEIRD Positions… Don’t Believe Us? Check These Dogs Out!
Oh, what I would give to be able to sleep like a dog! I’m sure that you’ve heard the saying, “I slept like a baby” but really, who are we kidding? Many babies wake up often! So that’s why I’m prett…
How To Properly Pet Animals!
It’s VERY important to understand how to properly pet an animal, but each animal is different… so how do you know what’s OK and what isn’t? This video should help inform you about where to pet just…
This Is What Happens When A Pack Of Beagles See A Remote Control Car!
Beagles are one of sweetest looking dog breeds ever. They have a sweet gentle face and their soulful eyes are hard to resist. Beagles were originally used for hunting. They are great at tracking an…