Dog Videos
CategoryMan Returns From Long Hospital Stay And Surprises His Dog
After Shane Godfrey spent 5 weeks in hospital because of a terrible flu and pneumonia, he was eager to see his dog, Willie, again. But because Shane had been so sick, he lost a lot of weight. He wa…
Labrador Retriever Best Friends With Dolphin
A friendly dolphin struck up an unusual friendship with a dog that lasted for years. The friendship began when a young dolphin nicknamed “Duggie” by Tory Island residents was first sighted in the h…
Boy Who Gets Bullied At School Comes Home One Day To A Puppy
A little boy named Jensen Stuart has had trouble getting bullied at school. So to do something special for him, his grandparents decided to surprise him one day with a puppy! Jensen comes through t…
Khaleesi The Bulldog Starts Falling Asleep On The Couch While Sitting Upright
Ever sit on the couch after a long, hard day and nod off into dreamland? I think that’s what happened to this Bulldog. After all, a day in the life of a dog is no easy task!
Mom walks into the …
Dad Shows Dog A Box, Beagle Starts Shaking At The Sight Of Bacon
This dog reminds me of some people I know (I won’t name any names )! The Beagle peers into the box to see his absolute favorite thing in the world and starts shaking uncontrollably.
“What’s insi…
Man Arrested For Saving His Dog From A Burning Building
Even though this happened a number of years ago, it is obviously still newsworthy because it is making the rounds online once again. It also raises a rather thought-provoking question, what would y…
Owner Offered His Home And Property To Anyone That Could Find His Lost Dog
How far would you go to find a lost friend?
In Arizona, a man was so distraught over losing his dog that he was willing to put up a huge reward to get her back.
It started in April when a two…
Man Risks It All To Save Dog Trapped On The Edge Of A Dam
Thankfully, there are heroes all over the world. And when they happen to be in the right place at the right time, there’s nothing better. In the video below, a man risks it all to save a dog trappe…
Dad Shows Dog A Box, Beagle Starts Shaking At The Sight Of Bacon
This dog reminds me of some people I know (I won’t name any names )! The Beagle peers into the box to see his absolute favorite thing in the world and starts shaking uncontrollably.
“What’s insi…
Papa Dog Drives Around Trying To Get The Puppy To Fall Asleep
There’s nothing like a good Subaru dog commercial, and this one ranks up there with the best! This extended version gives us a better look into the Barkley’s bedtime routine, and we think most dads…
Rescuers Work To Save Dog With Porcupine Quill Piercing Her Eyelid
A stray dog was found with a massive porcupine quill piercing her eyelid, so Animal Aid Unlimited was called for a rescue. The rescuers showed up to get her and took her back to the hospital right …
Peanut The Labrador Follows Mom Around The House, Stalking Her Every Move
Our dogs just want to be with us at all times. And some can take that to a whole other level! As much as we may want and need our privacy at times, it’s truly a flattering thing that they want to b…
Dog Doesn’t Want To Come Home From Walks, Always Protests By Collapsing
Ryder the half Lab/half Basset Hound loves going on walks like all other dogs. In fact, he loves them so much that he never wants them to end! Recently, he figured out a way to relay this message t…
Husky Busted Stealing Treats On Surveillance, Confronted And Arrested By Cops
Some dog treats went missing from a Dollar General store in South Carolina, so the store manager looked at the surveillance footage and saw the unexpected: a dog casually strolling into the store a…