Dog Videos
CategoryDalmatian with a Silly Snore
Dalmatians are very smart and loyal dogs. They are also known for their bravery and service as well, becoming an iconic symbol of the “fire dog” enlisted to help huma…
Man Trains His Dogs To Do The Unimaginable! How Amazing Is This?
Meet Augusto Deoliveira, a real life “Dog Whisperer.” Through meticulous training, Augusto has been able to train a large pack of Golden Shepherds to follow immediately behind him, seemingly at his…
Disabled dog is allowed to run for the first time ever, thanks to his 3D printed legs
Derby is a dog born with underdeveloped front legs. Running for him was almost impossible, and he often got injuries from scratching the ground with his face. A common wheelchair improved his situa…
This Dog Is Perfectly Trained, But The Last Command He Gets Will Melt Your Heart
Not what you’d expect.
No One Could Believe What His Crazy Dogs Did When He Covered Up the Pool, So He Recorded This!
Brock and Izzy are two playful and adorable boxers that totally get crazy whenever their owner covers up the swimming pool. Nothing pleases them more than slipping and sliding all over the place on…
What Happened When Dogs Surrounded This Sheep Is Absolutely Awesome
Pet the lamb lost her mother soon after coming into this world. However, to her knowledge, she has a mother that has always been there by her side. This is because the orphaned lamb was quickly ado…
Three Dogs And Nine Puppies Are Rescued In The Desert…How They React Will Amaze You
We’re always amazed at the dedication shown by animal rescuers, dog and cat lovers who make it their priority to help find and rehabilitate the abandoned, desperate animals that live quietly, hopel…
This German Shepherd Might Be Your New Favorite Actor…(WATCH)
Award Season is upon us, which means lots of big name actors are strutting their stuff and hoping to gain recognition for their most impressive performances. Some starred in comedies, some in drama…
Dog Gets Stuck in Gate and Cries Uncontrollably. See The Amazing Rescue & “After” Footage!
Watching videos of animals being abused have made us lose faith in humanity. With all the bad people out there, it makes us wonder if there is hope for this cruel world. Then amidst all the evil, s…
Lazy dog doesn’t want to walk
Dog Peacefully Protests His Owner’s Request to Go for a Walk
Goofy Chocolate Lab Can’t Help Himself To Toddler’s Pool, Ruins Play Time.
No matter how well trained a dog is, they’re still pretty great at surprising us with a bad behavior every once in a while! Well this Chocolate Labrador, Arnold, surprises his family with not only …
What’s The Best Cure For Those Winter Blues? These Summery Pups!
Although it’s 75 degrees and sunny in Los Angeles right now, for most of the country, early February means one thing: Brrrrrr.
It’s easy to fall down the wintertime rabbit hole around this time …
When Play-Fighting Goes Wrong…
Lots of dogs love when their humans roll around on the floor with them, wrestling and play-fighting. But all in moderation, because some dogs can take it too far…
Potty Training with Keiko the Shiba Inu
Who knew that potty training was so much work? Keiko has put a lot of time and effort into potty training today. This little fluff-nugget tried so hard, she’s complet…