Dog Videos
CategoryHomeless Man and His Dog Receive Gift of a Lifetime
Tom Mabe and his YouTube series “PrankitFWD” do it again, this time they help a homeless man with a terminal illness, enjoy his remaining days next to his beloved dog in a safe place – an apartment…
A Tiny Boxer Pup Hears His Mom On Speakerphone And Has The Funniest Reaction
Technology is really difficult to keep up with these days. You buy one gadget and then the next, better one comes out just a month later. It has a whole new set of instructions, features, and thing…
I Can’t Stand How Cute This Is — This Puppy Asks Permission To Snuggle. Adorable!
This fluffy pup asks permission before getting on the couch and snuggling their favorite human. Polite and cute? Adorable.
Bella The Boxer Can’t Contain Her Excitement! I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Seen A Reaction Like This!
Dogs have a hard time controlling the excitement they experience when you walk through the door. They are filled with pure joy knowing that you are home to spend time with them again. Whether you h…
This Video Shows How Important Service Dogs Can Be To Veterans With PTSD
It’s great see how sensitive dogs are to the feeling and needs of human beings, but it never occurred to me that dogs could do this. These guide dogs assist war veterans. They were specially traine…
Dog Rides Scooter Like A Pro
Dogs have such amazing skills! They are easy to train, and a lot of them are so eager to learn. Remember that dog named Norman? We were so amazed when we saw him riding the bike (with training whee…
This Monkey Fell In Love With These Puppies And His Reaction Says A Lot About Animal Compassion
We’ve seen dogs with such strong maternal bonds that they adopt other baby animals. Remember that dog who adopted orphaned kittens, and even started producing milk for them? We were so amazed by th…
They Let Their Boxers Meet The Newborn Baby And Something Absolutely Precious Happens
What’s cuter than a dog video? A dog video with babies or kids in it! And we love the precious moment when a dog meets the baby for the first time! They get so curious at first, and then you’ll see…
Instead of Playing Fetch With This Paintbrush, This Dog Did Something Amazing
There are plenty of talented dogs in the world, all with their own special bag of tricks. Many well-trained doggie daredevils ride skateboards or balance odd objects on their heads. Some helpful ca…
Real Life “The Fox And The Hound”: This Baby Fox Loves This Dog So Much
We all love animal friendships! We find these friendships beautiful and amazing, because despite their differences, they have learned to get along with each other, and they absolutely love each oth…
Big Sister Takes Little Brother for a Walk
Proof positive that “the buddy system” actually works. Sandy loves her little bro, and knows he needs someone has to teach Ringo how to dog.
Bull Terriers Make a Snuggle Sandwich
Who needs a couch to sprawl out on when you can pile on a chair with your bully brothers?
These Service Dogs Are Adding Hope To The Lives Of Disabled People
When a person is born with a disability, as millions are each year, their day to day routines are disrupted. They often rely on the help of family members to do simple tasks like getting dressed fo…
Man Plays Hide N Seek With Dogs And Wins – Watch The Table
Do you play hide and seek with your dogs? Dogs are great in playing hide and seek! And it’s because they have a powerful sense of smell that can lead their noses right to where you are! All they ha…