Dog Videos
CategoryMailman Just Trying To Do His Job Finds He Has A Feathered Shadow
A United States Postal Service mail carrier in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, found himself being followed around by a turkey! It started and has been going on for three months now, but within the last month…
Two Puppies Had Fallen 60 Feet Down Into A Well But Were Still Alive
Animal Aid Unlimited came to the rescue of two puppies who fallen into a 60′ deep well but were somehow still alive. The rescuers could see them down below moving around, so they helped lower one m…
Police Go Look For Loose Dog, Find 276 Small Dogs In Single Family Home
Police responded to reports of a loose dog in Howell, NJ, but found something much worse. The single family home with 276 dogs was the worst hoarding case they’d ever seen.…
Little Boy Takes A Break For A Best Friend Hug
A friendship between a child and dog is a lovely thing. Without using words they form bonds that last a lifetime. Dogs truly are man’s best friend, and in the video below you’ll see a toddler thank…
Woman Uses The Shirt Off Her Back To Help Injured Koala In Brush Fire
As a brush fire broke out in the wooded area, one local woman didn’t hesitate to step in and help an injured koala in the middle of the danger. As these fires continue to spread across Australia’s …
This Professional Violinist Plays Mozart For Abused Shelter Dogs In Between Concerts At Carnegie Hall
A professional violinist has played in the world’s greatest venues, but still feels most fulfilled when performing at his local animal shelter.
“I’ll never forget my first day,” Martin Agee told M…
Golden Retriever Puppies Seen Holding Hands In Private Moment
Emily Buchenberger took her puppy, Billie, to a puppy play date where dogs between the ages of eight and 18 weeks roam and romp around a doggy gymnasium without leashes. All of the puppies take thi…
Stray Puppy Takes Refuge In Nativity Scene To Keep Warm During Cold Nights
There are stray dogs all over the world, and there are many people and organizations hard at work to remedy this sad reality. Unfortunately, this number of homeless dogs far exceeds the help out th…
Sweet Dog Teaches Baby to Play Fetch with Him
When a baby arrives in the home many dogs welcome them with open paws. Some dogs will be protective, watching over their new little humans. Others will make them laugh.
This cute Pomeranian mix …
Adorable Dancing Corgi is Always Excited to Eat
Sparky the Corgi has an unusual activity when it is dinner time – he can’t stop dancing! As soon as kibble is put in front of him he dances, he prances and runs around. It’s not a one time thing, e…
Police Dog Leaps To Protects His Partner With Lightning Speed
During a K-9 Police demonstration, this police dog showed the crowd how he protects his partner.
At first, the officer goes over and pats down the suspect before returning to the K9 and tells hi…
After A Car Accident, Dog Hops Out And Takes Off Running Down The Highway
There was a car wreck on the highway, and a dog jumped out of one of the vehicle’s involved and ran down the busy highway. Scared and unsure of what was going on, it’s all the dog could do. But tha…
Lap Dog Flips Recliner With Dad In It, Finds Contentment With Where They Land
Once a lapdog, always a lapdog! No matter how big a cuddly lapdog may grow, they never lose that desire to be so close to their humans. And the dad in the video below learned that lesson the hard w…
Golden Retriever Darts Back And Forth Sliding Down Hill On His Side
Dogs are a lot like kids in that they can really use their imaginations to have fun. The simplest of things can provide the most entertainment! Just ask Leny the Golden Retriever. He finds great jo…