Dog Videos
CategoryThis Lamb Was Abandoned By Its Mother…But Was Taken In By The Cutest Surrogate
Animals have an amazing capacity for sympathy, love, and friendship. When it comes to this sweet pup, all three are on adorable display as it gently tends to its newly adopted baby.
When the lit…
This First-Time Mom Is So Excited To Meet Her New Baby, She Just Can’t Handle It
Adding a new baby to the family is always exciting, whether it’s a human, an animal, or even a new plant — whatever kind of person you are, becoming a first-time parent is always a hoot.
Dance Like No One Is Watching
When these animals feel the beat, there’s only one thing left to do. Dance like no one is watching!
This Dog REALLY Hated Winter
This winter was a difficult one for many of us, but especially so for our dogs. Thankfully, every day it’s becoming a more and more distant memory. Here is one dog who really, REALLY hated it…. y…
Sleeping Puppy Won’t Get Up
This puppy is too tired to start the work week, and like many of us, he wishes he could stay in bed and sleep in.
This British Bulldog Loves To Play Fetch But Hasn’t Quite Figured Out How To Stop
Dogs love to run and play fetch. But when they’re still little puppies, they need some time to control their muscles and their movements; just like growing children. And like children, they can som…
Life Would Be So Much Easier If All Dogs Could Do This
Imagine if our furry friends could prepare meals for us and clean our house while we’re at work. Things would be so much easier, right? But what if I tell you that a dog was trained to do all that?…
Dogs Helped Her Fight Cancer. Now Watch What She’s Doing To Help Save THEM…
Dogs don’t care how you look like. They don’t care about the material things you own. They don’t care if you’re rich or poor. That’s what makes them man’s best friend. They love us for who we are.
After Being Dumped With Her Puppies, This Mama Dog Still Has Faith In Humankind When Rescued
Hope for Paws has done it again! But this time, they saved more than just one life. They saved a whole family!
This family was abandoned in Los Angeles. Fortunately, a kindhearted real estate ag…
This German Shepherd Might Have Better Bathroom Manners Than Anyone You Know
If you’re a dog owner, you know the struggle of needing to be home every day to let your dog out to do his or her business. Sometimes a last-minute dinner plan pops up and you have to decline, beca…
The Kids Were Sound Asleep, But THey Had An Incredible Surprise Up Their Sleeves
For years, Philip’s five children wanted nothing more than a canine companion to join their merry group. Luckily, their prayers were finally answered on a quiet night during a sibling sleepover.
He Just Wanted To Go Fishing, But His Hilariously Chatty Dog Had Other Ideas
For a lot of people, waking up with the rising sun to spend the day quietly contemplating the meaning of life with nothing but a fishing rod, some lures, and a rowboat is the only way to do the wee…
Abused Rescue Dog Experiences A Loving Home For The First Time On Camera
My heart always breaks when I see or hear about a case of animal neglect or cruelty. Our instinct, as dog lovers, is to want to scoop up all the abused pups in the world and shower them with love a…
Hit By A Car And Terrified, This Stray Finally Accepted Help From An Unlikely Hero
Hope for Paws is a non-profit Los Angeles 501-c3 All Animal Rescue Organization founded by Eldad and Audrey Hagar. After sharing so many of their rescue videos, I’m sure you guys are familiar with …