Dog Videos
CategoryThis Golden Does The Same Hilarious Thing Every Time Mom Or Dad Comes Home…LOL
I can’t speak for everyone, but when I was younger my parents used to bring me little treats back from vacations or work trips. Even if it was just a little bag of candy, it was fun to get a small …
This Dog’s Owner Dropped Him Off At A Prison…Just Wait Until You Learn Why
For disabled Americans, a well-trained service animal can provide tremendous physical and emotional assistance, adding to their quality of life on a daily basis. But before those animals have the c…
Disabled After A Hit And Run, This Dog Now Gives Struggling Kids A Second Chance
A Goldendoodle who was a victim of a hit and run is now doing amazing acts of kindness for those in need. Hope the Goldendoodle cheated death when she was struck by a hit and run driver a year-and-…
Sleep-Talking Boxer Is Having One Of The Craziest Dreams You’ll Ever See
Have you ever wondered what your dog could be dreaming about? We see them move their limbs and try to bark as they’re sleeping. Maybe they’re dreaming of chasing a squirrel! We saw that hilario…
German Shepherd Tries to Play Video Game with Humans
Not quite sure if the dog is a huge fan of baseball, or just really hates video games. However, nice save by the human!
This Kangaroo-Rottweiler Roughhousing Match Is Adorable Beyond Belief
Kangaroos are known for being top-notch boxers, with the ability to roundhouse the wind out of a full-grown man. But…when roughhousing with this happy rottweiler, this kangaroo is okay to put dow…
This Little Girl REALLY Wants Up On The Sofa. Could You Say No To This Face?
Having a little dog definitely comes with some perks: they’re more portable, they make smaller messes, and they pretty much look like a puppy their whole lives.
But as this hilarious Frenchie ca…
It’s Summertime, And Even Puppies Know How To Enjoy The Season!
Summertime brings back many of my favorite memories. The warm weather and cool summer nights always remind me of heading to the beach for the day, sitting outside with friends until late in the eve…
She Was Having A Breakdown, But When Her Dog Stepped In, I Was Blown Away
Living with Asperger’s can feel like walking through a minefield of triggers waiting to set you off without warning. Episodes of depression and self-harm can frequently overwhelm those navigating t…
This Dog Is Helping This Woman Cope With Anorexia In A Pretty Amazing Way
Sophie Hewlett is a 24-year-old woman from Upton Worcester England who suffered from Anorexia Nervosa. She was able to cope with her eating disorder thanks to her miniature Dachshund puppy named Ee…
14 Week Old Police Dog Has MAD Skills! You’ve Got To See This
Sometimes, you know from an early start your calling in life. For this dog, he knew from just 14 weeks of age that he was destined to do something with his natural talent and awesome canine abiliti…
After These Puppies Are Rescued, My Heart Can’t Handle What Happens Next!
All over the world every day there are dogs that need new homes. For those dogs that don’t have a place to call home, forced to live on the streets, they need it the most. Hope for Paws is a nonpro…
They Found Her Chained Up, But Where She Ends Up Will Have You Cheering With Joy
There are dogs all over the world that are mistreated — they’re chained up 24/7, with the bare minimum of shelter, food, and attention. Unfortunately, within the constraints of the law, it can be …
This Dog Was Chilling On The Couch Until Something Gave Him This Hilarious Reaction
Whenever you hear a sound that you aren’t expecting, you have some sort of reaction. Whether physical or mental, the acknowledgement of changes in your surroundings is instinctive. The same thing g…