Dog Videos
CategoryDoggo Wipes His Feet Before Entering Home
Info from Licensor: “Rae was bred and born at home, a pure Jack Russell terrier. Rae’s attentive mother, Bella, has always kept him clean, so it makes sense he has never liked getting his feet muck…
Aussie puppy barks at mirror reflection
This puppy wants to make contact with its reflection in the mirror. Cuteness overload!
Husky throws tantrum over wearing goggles
Oliver needs goggles for car rides because a husky eye surgery is not cheap! Check out his temper tantrum!
Golden Retriever puppy plays game on iPad
This puppy is going for the new high score! Adorable!
Dogs extremely confused by dancing Christmas toy
Winnie & Samson are so confused by this singing Christmas dog toy. Check it out!
Beagles sniffs out her gift under the Christmas tree
Chloe our 4 year old Beagle with her terribly good nose sniffed around the Christmas tree. Her owners had placed a treat in a tissue wrapping for her to unwrap once we all open our gifts. They caug…
Why Are Pups Jumping To Their Death From The ‘Dog Suicide Bridge’?
There is a 19th-Century Bridge located in Dumbarton, Scotland. It’s a rather beautiful bridge known as the Overtoun Bridge but the reason why people know about it is quite different from what you m…
No Such Thing As Too Much Snow for This Funny Dog
There’s no such thing as too much snow for Scooter, or at least he likes to think so. After a blizzard touched down outside his home in northeastern Connecticut, Scooter was ready to play in the ya…
Therapy Dog Caught Stealing Donated Toys At Police Station
Officers with the Franklin Police Department had arranged to collect toys for children for the Santa Foundation, a local nonprofit that helps families in need.
But when they noticed that to…
Dog finds cat in her bed, throws epic temper tantrum
This sassy dog has a tantrum when the cat steals her favorite bed. Priceless!
Sphynx cat runs on treadmill like a hamster
This Sphynx cat likes to do his daily workout on a cat treatmill. Priceless! Sphynx cat runs on treadmill like a hamster.
Dog Jumps Into Owner’s Bath While Water Fills Up
Do you like dogs and consider them excellent pets? Watch how this adorable dog gets into the bathtub when its owner puts the water to heat! Some dogs like water very much, either for bathing or jus…
Howling pit bull sings along to harmonica
Petunia the pit bull sings along to the harmonica. Priceless! Howling pit bull sings along to harmonica.
Cute pit bull steals baby’s pacifier
This 3-legged rescue pit bull steals a pacifier from a baby. Too cute! Cute pit bull steals baby’s pacifier.