Dog Videos
CategoryThis Dog Is Quite The Chatterbox…But Not Everyone Is Interested. Very funny!
Communicating with our dogs is perhaps one of the most challenging parts of raising fur babies. Though we understand one another’s moods and general attitudes, it often takes a lot of training on t…
Taken Off Death Row, This Dog Is Looking For A New Owner Who Loves Adventures – Is It You?
Looking for a summer fling? Well this dog is not just looking for a fling. He’s looking for something that can last forever. He’s ready to offer your true and unconditional love!
Meet Hoagie, a …
This Dog’s Facial Expression Tells You Exactly How He Feels About Car Washes
Washing your car can be one of the most rewarding experiences you can have as a car owner. For just a few dollars, it can make your old, dirty car look brand-spanking new again. You can take the ti…
All This Pup Wanted Was A Nap, But Instead He Got Himself Into This Predicament!
We sometimes do silly things when we’re tired, like pour the orange juice into the cereal instead of milk, or fall asleep on top of the comforter with our shoes on. There’s no shame in it; after al…
They Put Cameras Inside A Retirement Home, But I Wasn’t Expecting To See This
Whenever people put cameras inside retirement homes, the results are usually pretty horrifying. I’ve heard stories of staff members abusing patients, and even tales of people trying to escape becau…
This Hot Dog Figured Out A Really Simple Way To Cool Off This Summer
Summer is great, but there are some days that get way, way too hot. You know what I’m talking about: those days when no inch of clothing can escape your sweaty grossness.
When a day like that ro…
This Dog Whined All Night…Because She Was Trying To Save Her Family
When this family went to sleep one night, they had no idea that their four-legged friend was keeping a watchful eye on their home. Even though they never realized it before, Dory the St. Bernard al…
This Little Puppy’s Reaction To Eating A Lime Is Adorable
If you’ve ever eaten a lime before, you know that the taste isn’t exactly sweet. Even people with the toughest tastebuds will squint their eyes after just one taste.
This hilarious little dog re…
They Put Their Dog On Their Shoulders, And What They Did Next Is Awesome
When some people get married, they tend to let themselves go a little bit. Married couples often stop working out because, honestly, there isn’t really anyone to impress anymore. And when you don’t…
This PTSD Veteran Felt Agitated During An Interview. Now Watch What His Dog Does!
rick Scott is a veteran, an army national guard for 16 years. He was deployed in Iraq. But before he went to Iraq, his father told him something he would never forget. His father said, “Son, those …
Meet The World’s Ugliest Dog. But We Think He’s Beautiful!
The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest is an annual contest held in California. Every year dozens of dogs and their owners vie for the title in hopes of taking home a trophy and a check worth $1500. And t…
This Dying Dog Had One Final Wish–To Be Loved
For any dog that is forced to live on the streets, they want more than anything to be loved. Often times they must eat scraps to survive, suffer with infestation, and sleep out in the dark with not…
This Dying Veteran’s Last Wish Is To Find A Loving Home For His Service Dog
The saying “man’s best friend” couldn’t be any truer for Tristen and Kane. When doctor’s told Tristen that he only has months left to live, this army veteran was determined to find a loving home fo…
Time-Lapse Video Shows Adorable Kitten Growing Up With Golden Retriever
It’s so adorable when kittens become best friends with a dog. Dogs and cats are said to be mortal enemies. But if they are raised and socialized properly, and especially if they are grow up togethe…