Dog Videos
CategoryYou’ll Never Believe What This Husky Did When He Snuck Into A Local Store
Dogs tend to have a reputation of getting into mischeif from time to time. Whether it’s taking tissues out of the trash, destroying your favorite pair of shoes or scaling furniture in order to reac…
This Soldier Was Kind To 3 Stray Dogs. What They Did When A Suicide Bomber Approached Is Unbelievable!
When Sgt. Chris Dukes, a National Guardsmen from Georgia, USA, was on tour in Afghanistan, he made friends with a few locals on four legs – Target, Sasha and Rufus.
“A lot of us used the three o…
Things You Say To Dogs That’d Be Creepy If You Said To People
All dog owners knowingly admit that we talk to our dogs as if they were humans, but have you ever wondered what it would sound like if you talked to humans as if they were dogs? We say so many swee…
German Shepherd Is Convinced The Ball Is In The TV Set
Does your dog watch TV?
Well some dogs do. There was even that dog who loved the movie “Guardians of the Galaxy” so much, that whenever her favorite character (Rocket Raccoon) appeared, she woul…
His Dog Hates Getting Up Early, So He Recorded What Happens Every Morning
I’m not a morning person, but neither is my dog. In fact, dogs are not only awful morning “people,” but they just might take hitting the snooze button to a whole new level.
Watch what happened t…
This Dog Was Ugly, Hairless, And Scheduled To Be Killed Until This Vet Saved Him
When there isn’t enough room for all the homeless pups in the shelter, the ones with easily treatable yet very ugly health problems are usually the first to get put on the list to be euthanized. It…
This Fetch Toy Is All You’ll Ever Need To Keep Your Energetic Pup Occupied
If your pup is one of those dogs that just canNOT sit still for more than two seconds, and you’re the type of person who, you know, wants at least one moment of peace to yourself…this might just …
Dog Totally Ignores Baby Bud to Watch Women’s World Cup
You either have that friend, or you ARE that friend – the one who’s world completely revolves around sports, and can’t be deterred from all the heart-stopping action on the screen. See this baby f…
Jealous Dog Forgives Owner
When Bella saw her owner petting another dog (her pet sibling) she got very jealous. In protest he ran to to the couch to pout, and when her owner came over to her, Bella let her know just how she …
What A Little Snitch! You’re NOT Supposed to Sell out a Family member!
Turning informant on your sibling is NOT COOL at all! The bigger dog however, seems quick to lay blame on the little one, but we have a sneaking suspicion that the larger one played more of a ke…
5 Things You Know if You Own a Pit Bull
While many of these traits can be ascribed to lots of dogs, all of these – and TONS more – are definitely true of pit bulls!
What thing do you know to be true of …
This Doggie Car Wash Is Everything You Need To Keep Your Pooch Clean
With all the fun summer provides for you and your pup, hitting up dog parks or just hanging out in the backyard, it doesn’t take long for your four-legged friend to accumulate quite a mess in their…
Watching This Pup Experience A/C For The First Time Is The Greatest Thing Ever
Air-conditioning is a wonderful thing; the air-conditioner is quite possibly one of the greatest inventions of all time. Nothing’s better than sitting in front of a window unit and feeling that fre…
Howling Husky doesn’t want to leave dog park
This little guy refusing to leave the dog park. His owner claims they visit the dog park every day and he throws a fit each time they leave.