Dog Videos
CategoryThis Is Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
Everyone knows dogs are man’s best friend.
Is Bob the golden retriever friendliest dog in the world
Bob is a dog like any other – he enjoys attention, treats, and lots of time having fun outdoors. But unlike most other dogs, this Brazilian boy is best friends with eight birds and a hamster. See…
Dog Steals Garden Hose & Drenches Human
This dog is nothing short of relentless! Not only does he get a garden hose, but he follows the human around, giving him nowhere to run. What a clever prankster!
This Dog Will Entertain You With His Musical Trick As Long As You Pay Him With Treats!
Dogs today are more musical than ever. Some of them love to sing, and others can even play instruments! One of our favorites was that stray dog who joined a street musician and WOWed the people pas…
Autistic Boy Never Felt Loved Until This Pit Bull Changed His Life
From the time her son was only 3 years old, Joey’s mother knew that there was something different with her son. As she would make advances to show her son love and affection, he would turn away and…
GONE VIRAL: What This Cop Did for a 75 lb. Dog Has People Everywhere Talking. I’m In Awe!!!
Police officers likely never live the same day twice. They never know what’s coming next! My guess is that Patrolman Nick Ague didn’t expect he would be carrying a 75 lb. german shepherd named Mya …
Dog and Seal Exchange Hellos On The Beach–With Noses Touching!
For our dogs, they live a pretty domesticated life. Most have a nice warm bed to sleep on… heck, sometimes even our bed is what they sleep on! They are served food each day and never have to go hun…
Garbage Man Was Emptying Trash When He Heard A Cry. What He Found Broke My Heart.
We dog lovers will never understand how some people could just abandon or throw away a dog or puppy. Dogs are beautiful and very loyal creatures. So how could anyone have a heart to throw a loving …
MUST WATCH: Fantastic Shelter Music Video Is Driving Pet Adoptions In Oakland,CA
If you recall, we’ve posted a few videos of shelters workers making awesome videos to encourage people to adopt. There was that cute music video of Abba’s “Take A Chance On Me”, where shelter worke…
A Passerby Heard Yelping Coming From A Tar Barrel. When They Looked Inside It Got Real.
This video shows the amazing story of an adorable puppy that was rescued by a loving boy and the caring heroes at Animal Aid Unlimited in India. This stray puppy was just 3 months old when she got …
While On Vacation This Dad Wanted His Dog To Feel Loved- So He Did This. WOW!
When it comes time for family vacation, sometimes the four-legged family members aren’t always able to tag along. We miss our pets while we are away having fun, thinking about them often while we a…
Watching This Husky Howl for the Very First Time Will Be The Best 7 Seconds Of Your Day (We Promise!)
There’s at least a dozen different reasons why puppies are so adorable. From their itty bitty paws to their sprightly nature, puppies are hard to resist–especially to any dog lover. Meet Remmington…
After This Family Dog Meets The New Baby, He Does Something That Melts My Heart
When new parents bring a baby home for the first time, there’s usually an excitement buzzing through the house. But one thing that some people worry about on this special day is how their famil…
When They Opened These Crates, I Wasn’t Expecting This Much Cuteness To Come Out
Introductions are almost always awkward. No matter how many times we practice in a mirror, there’s just no avoiding that embarrassing first impression. Luckily, these cuties have the sweetest, fuzz…