Dog Videos
CategoryFrench Bulldog obsessed with big orange ball
Pixel the French Bulldog goes absolutely crazy over his big orange ball. He loves playing with it so much he can’t contain his happiness. Too funny!
Dog Climbs Steps and Goes Swimming In Pool
This amazing Golden Retriever climbs up the pool steps by himself and goes for a quick swim to cool off! Now that’s amazing! Visit Heath Puppies to see more.
This Greyhound Loves Summer More Than Anyone Else Ever. Just Watch This!
Don’t you just looove summer and swimming!! This Greyhound certainly loves the water so much, she can’t contain herself in the backyard pool, jumping and simply having the time of her life!!
Husky Acts Just Like A Teenager When Its Time To Go Into His Crate
REMEMBER: Crates are used to protect your dog and make them feel safe when you’re not at home. They should never be used for disciplining! Huskies especially need them, as they can be very destruct…
10 Year Old Dog Is Asked About His Birthday And His Reaction Is Priceless.
Could this video get any cuter? We don’t think so! Jager is celebrating his 10th birthday and he couldn’t be more excited about it and his owner was precious enough to catch it on video for the wor…
Weird Things Were Happening At This Shelter At Night. When They Setup A Camera What They Caught Was Amazing!
Strange things were happening at Battersea Dogs & Cats animal shelter and the staff couldn’t figure out just what was going on. Almost every night after closing, the kennel doors in one of the dog …
Overweight Rescue Dog Was Found on Brink Of Death – You Have To See Her Now!
If you’re looking for love, and if you’re looking for a faithful companion, you don’t have to look any further. There are plenty of dogs at the shelter who are willing to give you love, friendship,…
PitBull Decides Their Fence Needs Work And Decides To Help..Every Single Morning
Dogs can be extremely helpful around the house, especially assistance/service dogs. They are trained to do various tasks around the house to help the person they are assisting. They open fridge doo…
Giant dog celebrates his birthday
Today is a special day for Sebastian because it’s his 7th birthday. Just listen to how excited he is! Surround by his family, this giant Newfoundland dog enjoys special doggy cake and treats and pl…
Giant dog jealous of new foster pet
Sebastian the Newfoundland dog makes his feelings known concerning the new temporary addition to the family. Listen to him complain about his foster dog “friend” even after his owners try to reason…
When A Tiny Kitten Meets His New, Giant Pit Bull Brother Your Heart Will Melt
I brought this little kitten home and my dog handles the new member of the family so well! What a sweetheart!
Bella the Pit Bull Fosters Orphan Kittens
So far, Bella has helped me care for three litters of kittens, and she has always been gentle and kind. She gladly shares her water bowl, her dog bed, and her human attention. She takes turns groom…
Adorable foster kitten plays with two Dalmatians
This sweet 5-week-old foster kitten named Uno is starting to get some spunk! Watch as it fearlessly plays with two much bigger dogs, Louie and Lady. What a precious …
XXL BULLY PITBULL NEDERLAND legendary bully pits