Dog Videos
CategoryThey Saw A Family Of Dolphins Swimming And Then Their Dog Did This
Louie is such an amazing dog. He loves to swim and meet up with a pod of dolphins and then tries to keep up with them! I’m just enthralled at his swimming prowess and then he even got ahead of one …
What This Dog Does When He Gets His Ball Stuck Shows More Patience Than Most People We Know
How patient is your dog? While most dogs don’t really have the patience to even sit down and wait for the treat to be given to them, some dogs have the patience of a saint. These patient dogs can w…
Dog Coaches Baby To Crawl For First Time
Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular family dogs and this adorable video shows us exactly why! This precious baby takes her first crawling steps because she wants so badly to say hi to h…
This Guy’s Camera Catches The True Nature Of Pitbulls. OMG… You Have To See This.
PitBulls have been unjustifiably made monsters by people that have trained the dogs to fight. This hilarious and touching video shows just how loving and comfy Pit Bulls can be in a nurturing and c…
Boxer hilariously goes nuts on bed
Is this dog insane or just really excited? According to user ‘nfasano’, this young Boxer continually punches the bed for no reason. How funny is that?
Boxer Mimics Squeaky Toy
Boxers are said to be the clowns and comedians of the dog world–and we totally agree! We’ve seen plenty of Boxer videos that had us rolling on the floor with laughter. They are just effortlessly fu…
This Dog Proves That Sometimes Our Pups Just Want To Be Goofballs
One of the reasons why we love our dogs so much is because they make us smile and laugh. They don’t even have to try so hard. They are just naturally funny. They just randomly do things that are so…
Why God Made Dogs
No matter what you believe, dogs hold a very special place in our lives. They have undeniable, real bonds with us that run very, very deep. Spiritually deep even. They are unlike anything else that…
Adorable Puppy Challenges Suspicious Pumpkin!
A curious Welsh Pembroke Corgi puppy goes up against a tiny pumpkin. Looks like he didn’t trust it!
Adorable Puppy Challenges the Cat!
An energetic puppy decides to show the family cat who’s boss around the house, but the cat doesn’t budge!
When It’s An Adorable Dog Vs. A Teeny-Tiny Crab, Everybody Wins!
Listen, we don’t want to say we condone fighting of any kind, but this hilarious little battle of confusion is too cute to cause worry.
The nervous pup just isn’t sure what to think about the cu…
This Adorable Dog Plays The Cutest Game Of Fetch Ever With Local Baseball Team
Baseball players have a talent for not only making their way around the bases, but for looking good in those uniforms while doing it.
But this adorable bat boy outshines all the players on the f…
Excited Husky puppy welcomes home owner
Watch how Trip the Husky reacts after his “second” favorite person returns home after being away. Now that’s a heart-warming reunion! Credit to ‘Trip The Husky’.
Husky Puppy Loves Bathtub Tap
Jessie, an adorable 3-month-old Husky, get a nice drink of water from the bathtub tab. How cute!