Dog Videos
CategoryPuppy Born With Half A Spine Gets To Swim Like A Normal Dog For The First Time
On a hot summer’s day, all dogs want to go swimming to keep cool and just chill, even Bonsai but this English Bulldog was born with multiple deformities. He has Caudal Regression Syndrome (Sacral A…
This Dog Doesn’t Understand Why The Dog On YouTube Won’t Bark Back
Rocco, the French Bulldog is getting quite upset! He doesn’t know why the other dog is ignoring him. I’m sure he also doesn’t understand what the other doggie was doing. Now if he’s lying on his ba…
This Puppy Was Adopted By Goats But Wait ‘Till You See Them Play
It’s so cute when mother dogs adopt other animals. You can see how strong the dog’s maternal instincts are that even if the baby animals are of a different species, she takes care of them like they…
Black Lab Plays “The Floor is Lava”
Dogs can be weird sometimes. They do the most random and the weirdest thing when we least expect it. Just like that dog who saw snow for the first time, and started sliding his body on it! But if y…
It Is Literally Impossible For Anything To Be Cuter Than This Puppy’s Epic Sneeze
When a sneeze attack hits, nothing feels better than just letting it all out. …unless, of course, you could choose to watch this insanely adorable puppy sneeze instead.
And you should. Roux th…
If Your Heart Doesn’t Near Explode When Watching These Tiny Puppies Sleep…
There’s nothing like watching a newborn puppy sleep. They’re so peaceful — who knows what they’re dreaming about! Maybe chasing squirrels, or devouring those freshly planted daisies you are so pro…
The Best Of Doug The Pug
Do you remember Doug the Pug? He was that adorable Pug who was in a Christmas music video–the dog version of Mariah Carey’s song “All I Want For Christmas Is You”. The dog version of it is entitled…
An Injured Homeless Senior Dog Gets A Chance At Happiness
Hope for Paws has done it again; they have saved another life! This time they saved a life of a homeless and injured senior dog that they named Rudolph.
Hope for Paws received a call about a sen…
Stray Dog Carried Food Bowl To Rescuers Because He Just Wanted Someone to Feed Him
We see a lot of stray dog videos – usually with the strays being scared and running while the rescuers try to corral and save them. Then there’s this dog.Members of the World Animal Awareness Socie…
This Collapsed Puppy Was Close To Death. Now Watch Her Miraculous Recovery
There are countless dogs living on the streets of India, with most in desperate need of care and shelter. But as the overwhelming volume of homeless dogs continues to grow, incredible organizations…
Puppy meets newborn baby for first time
Zayla meeting her 2-day-old newborn baby sister for the first time, it’s an incredibly adorable moment! By the looks of it she’s thinking, “Who is this little puppy human in my spot?”.
This Dog Taking A Bath With Rubber Duckies Is All Kinds Of Adorable
For most dog owners, getting their pup into the tub for a good scrub can be a huge, soggy challenge.
This adorable shiba inu, however, has no problem with taking a nice, relaxing dip in the bath…
This Dog Hasn’t Seen Her Mom Since She Was A Puppy…Watch Their Adorable Reunion
Like Paul Simon famously sings, I would not give you false hope: this is absolutely the cutest mother and child reunion I’ve ever seen.
Four months after being adopted, this sweet golden girl ha…
Synchronized sneaking: That was the most suspense I have had today
I love Border Collies, my family had one when I was a kid he was the best and smartest dog we ever had. He knew how to play hide and go seek, and tag. He’d also follow us every where without runnin…