Dog Videos
CategoryStaffordshire Bull Terrier is a skateboarding pro
Ziggy Trixx can probably skateboard better than most of us! Check him out as he cruises with ease alongside some of his friends. Awesome!
Inseperable Duo Looking for a Forever Home
All you need is a little help from your friend! Friendship is found in the unlikeliest places, even in an animal shelter. The bond between Lucy and Flash, two abandoned dogs who became best paw-pal…
When A Deer Comes Up To Their House, Their Dog Makes A New Best Friend
Dogs are really big on marking their territory, so it’s no surprise that this adorable pit bull named Zeke had to challenge the deer that came up to his fence.
Instead of using the more traditio…
This Adorable Pit Bull Can’t Stop Hugging The Man Playing Music For Him
Musicians never know when or where inspiration will strike. Something seemingly innocuous to the untrained eye can be the muse behind their next biggest hit. In fact, The Beatles’ Paul McCartney fa…
When This Tiny Puppy Eats, He Get’s So Excited. What He Does Will Make You Laugh
When dogs get the chance to eat, they relish the opportunity. They chow down like they’ve never eaten before in their lives and may never see food again. They leap and jump and squeal with joy when…
This Lab Knows That When You Want To Cool Down, You Have To Get A Little Wet
As the summer heat rises, it’s easy to understand how someone might get excited about any chance to cool down.
This labrador puppy might be just a bit too excited, though, when she decides to fi…
It Was This Dog’s First Birthday, So His Family Decided To Surprise Him
A goldendoodle named Rhett Barkley recently turned one, and as the big day approached, his humans wanted to find their furry friend the greatest birthday gift ever. But what do you get for the ador…
This Adorably Evil Puppy Knows Exactly What To Do With His Cat Rival
Cats and dogs have been mortal enemies since the beginning of time. With their domestication, they’ve taken their battles to the home front, but they’re just as heated as ever. Fighting for their o…
They Dropped An Ice Cube On The Kitchen Floor…And Adorable Magic Happened
Sometimes when you drop an ice cube on the floor, it’s a tragedy because it was the last one in the tray. Now it’s shattered into a dozen little unsalvageable pieces. That glass of lemonade will ne…
What If Your Dog Could Text? They Might Say This… And It Is HILARIOUS
Can you imagine what it would be like if our dogs could text us? I bet it would be a riot! I know my dogs would text me nonstop! Hey mom, we’re out of jerkies, buy some. Hey mom, Peabee pooped in t…
What This Beagle Does When His Humans Aren’t Home Is Absolutely Genius
Okay, who really knows what dogs do when their humans aren’t home? No one, basically. The only way to find out is to record all of your dog’s actions while you’re away, but not many people have the…
Loving dog kisses new baby bunny
A precious moment showing the first meeting between an adorable baby bunny named Peppermint Twist, and the family dog Charley. The interspecies friendship has continued for over two years now.
Not Even A Fence Can Keep This Dog And Deer’s Adorable Romance Apart
Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and often when you least expect it. At least, that’s what romantic comedies taught me.
These two cuties could totally star in their own adorable love story. T…
At The Lake They Couldn’t Find Their Dog But Then They Caught Him Doing This
A lot of dogs seem to be enjoying their summer! And we’ve seen plenty of videos of how dogs have fun during the hot days. And we’re seeing quite a number of videos of them swimming, having fun in t…