Dog Videos
CategoryConfused pup adorably scared of the windshield wipers
Check out this hilarious clip of a doggy getting scared of the windshield wipers during a car ride. It’s OK buddy, they can’t hurt you!
Baby and puppy already share an incredible bond
This Pomeranian puppy and baby boy are the very best of friends. Cuteness overload!
Dog On Euthanasia List Learns How To Walk Again
When a dog named Doc suddenly lost his ability to walk, his owner left him at a shelter, claiming that he could no longer care for the dog. Doc was then placed on the shelter’s euthanasia list that very same day.
Man Adopts An English Bulldog Only To Find That The Dog Only Understands Spanish
You never quite know what you are going to see when you watch a TikTok video. For those who are interested in seeing dog videos, however, there are endless videos to choose from.
Dog Spent Her Whole Life On The Streets But Was Finally Adopted
Helen was a sad and heartbroken pup who’d spent the majority of her life living in the streets of Romania. Like most stray dogs, Helen’s life lacked any sort of hope as she roughed it out on the harsh streets. But then one day, things took a turn for the better.
Dog Takes Cat Friend On Snowy Sleigh Ride In This Heartwarming Video
It doesn’t matter what species you are, when you’ve found a true friend, it just feels right. Just look at his Golden Retriever and her stylish feline companion.
The Incredible Friendship Between A Boy And His Autism Service Dog
There is no friendship cuter than the friendship that exists between a kid and their dog. These friendships are rooted in such fierce love and loyalty, there is no breaking the bonds. They definitely are bonds that will carry on for many years. After all, dogs are great companions for kids – especially those who have special needs.
Exuberant Canine Pushes Kid Out Of The Way To Welcome Daddy Home
There’s nothing like a good homecoming, and this one is no exception. The father in this video has likely spent several months away from his family. When he returns in uniform, his young boy is eager to welcome daddy home.
Firefighters Rush To Save Dog Stranded On Ice In The Middle Of A River
While out for a walk along the Sheyenne River in Horace, North Dakota, a woman noticed something large and brown sitting on top of a chunk of ice right in the middle of the river. After getting a closer look, she realized that it was a chocolate lab.
Owner Saves 9-Week-Old Puppy After It Gets Attacked By A Python
There is nothing scarier than watching your dog get attacked by a hidden predator. Unfortunately, that exact scenario played out for one unfortunate dog owner.
‘Holiday Miracle,’ Pit Bull Returns 1 Year After Going Missing In Chicago
Gracie the 6-year-old Pit Bull disappeared from her Chicago home in December 2019 after a houseguest left the front door open. Ever since then, owner Kelly Shade has been trying to find her.
After Defusing Explosives Left Him Shaken, Navy Veteran Finds A Comforting Friend In Rescue Dog
Navy veteran Damian served in the U.S. Navy for 14 years as a Naval Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician. He made the decision to enlist after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
Abused Puppy Seized From New York Home Is Adopted By Responding Officer
Two dogs are recovering at Niagara County SPCA after being seized from abusive home. Niagara Falls Police Department responded to an anonymous call about two dogs in a backyard that appeared to be “in rough condition.”
Dog Loads His Food Bowl Into The Dishwasher By Himself
Dogs are man’s best friend for many reasons. And one little canine named Yari has just added yet another reason as to why dogs are simply the best.