Dog Videos
CategoryDog jumps after seeing other animals on TV
Woody jumps with excitement after seeing fellow dogs and other animals on the television. Looks like he can’t get enough of it! Do you own a pet who reacts when your TV is on?
Can You See What’s Hiding In This Mountain Of Stuffed Animals? LOL.
Everyone knows that dogs love to have fun, but this pup got tired of playing fetch. Instead, the adorable bulldog decided to start a game of hide-and-seek with his human.
The guy just couldn’t f…
German Shepherd highly entertained by water sprinkler
Want to know how to keep a German Shepherd busy for hours? Turn on your sprinkler system! Check it out as this dog hilariously attempts to bite, drink and chase the shooting water.
Dog won’t let owner use vacuum cleaner
Looks like Vela doesn’t trust that suspicious vacuum cleaner. Watch as she attacks it while her owner attempts to clean the house!
Curious dog pranks owner while he sleeps
Watch as this dog goes into “prank” mode and decides to wake up his owner while he rests on the living room floor.
Curious Dog Follows Bird Around Kitchen
PaiMei the Maltese puppy, follows around Bowie, the Indian Ringneck, as the little guy struts around the kitchen floor strutting around the kitchen floor. From PeekabooParrots.
Dog blames friend for pooping in the kitchen
After being asked “who pooped in the kitchen?”, Judy the Australian terrier was quick to point out that it definitely wasn’t her! Watch as she totally sells out Sunny the chihuahua. Credit to ‘Judy…
Abandoned Baby Kept Alive by Pregnant Dog
An abandoned two year old boy in Chile was found being kept alive by a nursing dog. The boy was taken into protective custody after neighbors found the boy feeding from their pregnant dog.
Watching This Little Boy Feed His Four Corgis Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See Today
There’s not a day that goes by where a little dose of corgi cuteness isn’t appreciated. To satisfy our cute corgi cravings, we’ve got a doozy of a video!
Watch as an adorable three-year-old boy …
How This Puppy Politely Asks For A Treat Is The Cutest Thing EVER
Training your dogs early is important. As puppies, they’re better able to absorb not only the basics, like housebreaking and simple commands, but some impressive etiquette as well. For instance, ho…
When This Baby First Tries To Crawl, The Dog Does Something So Sweet!
There’s nothing like watching a little one learn to crawl. All those jerky, terribly coordinated motor skills at work are pretty adorable. But when this one pooch was there for the special moment t…
This Little Bulldog Is Struggling To Figure Out The Game Of Fetch…Too Cute!
It’s important to a dog’s emotional and physical development that they play games every once in a while. Taking a dog out for a run, a walk, or even a classic round of fetch is vital to a dog’s hea…
After Being Rescued From Living On The Streets, What They Discovered About This Dog Shocked Everyone.
This is Bo and here is his story. He was dumped near a car wash by his previous owner and for 7 months, he fended for himself. He slept outside and was exposed to the elements of the changing seaso…
Smart Dog Figures Out The Winning Strategy To A Game Of Tug
So you think I’m lazy, eh? Well that’s your opinion, Buddy! I’ve played this game of Tug enough to know the best strategy for winning it and have spent hours testing out my theories and game plan a…