Dog Videos
CategoryWhen It Comes To Cuddles, This Jealous Dog Can’t Stand It When She’s Not The Star
Deep down, everyone loves to be the center of attention at some point. It feels good to have all eyes on you! But, hopefully, at a young age, we all learned that we have to share the spotlight some…
German Shepherd Can’t Figure Out Why This Animal Won’t Let Him On The Porch
When we have several pets living together, we find that it’s usually the cat who’s the bully. Well, we’ve seen several videos of cats bullying dogs. They either steal the dog’s beds, or block the…
The Frisbee Landed Over The Fence And What This Dog Does Is Downright Amazing.
When a dog wants something, he will do almost anything just to get it. We’ve seen several videos proving just how persistent dogs are just to get what they want. Take for example, that determined…
After 12 Years Locked In A Puppy Mill This Dog Is Finally FREE
This is the story of Belle.
Belle is a tiny dog who spent most of her life locked in a cage. For 12 years, Belle endured a depressing and hard life in a puppy mill in Portugal. She was placed in…
This Dog Helps Kids With Disabilities Enjoy The Ocean For The First Time Ever
Yesterday, SURFice dog Ricochet held a surf session to raise awareness and wipe out SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). 4 year old Logan Velchansky and several other children who are afflicted were able…
Jerk Gets Instant Karma When He Tries To Kick A Dog
I sure hope whoever abuses animals or hurts them would get the same treatment. Scums who hurt animals should also feel the same (or even more!) pain that they inflict upon those poor defenseless …
Owner’s Catch Creature Moving In Dog’s Fur And Are Totally Surprised By What It Is Doing
It’s so cute and sweet that some dogs are very gentle with smaller animals. While some dogs love to chase them, there are others who are totally friendly with them. Just like that huge but gentle…
Dog Heroically Saves Friend From Certain Death
Dogs are considered as man’s best friend. And they’ve proven to us time and time again just how loyal they are. But dogs are not just loyal and caring to their human friends. They also care about…
Their Jaw Dropped When They Saw What This Dog Was Carrying In A Bag
Giggling Dachshund Makes Everyone Laugh
Most dogs are pretty snuggly, but Bowser the Dachshund demands that his family cuddles with him every night. In fact, Bowser loves belly rubs so much he just can’t contain himself when his owners…
Dog Shows The Cat Who Is Boss
In most videos we see, when a cat and a dog lives in the same house, it’s usually the cat who’s the bully. We’ve seen a lot of videos of cats bullying their dog siblings. Just like that video showi…
No One Loves Watching The U.S. Open More Than This Dog
The U.S. Open is one of the biggest tennis events in the world. The annual competition has drawn in millions of viewers over the years, and its popularity is only growing. Both casual and hardcore …
This Cute Pug Just Found A Strange Toy On The Floor, And Her Reaction Is Hilarious
Nao the pug is a curious little dog. When she sees something new in her house, you can bet that she’ll go over to investigate.
One day, Nao was just hanging out at home when she spotted a bath t…
This Boy Had No Friends Until Kind Strangers Got Him One He So Desperately Needed
Evan has always had a hard time making friends. Often bullied and ignored because of kids not understanding why he might behave a bit differently, school life has been tough on the autistic child.