Dog Videos
CategoryWhat This Mom Gets When She Gets Home Is EXACTLY Why We Love Our Pups
Hey, stop stepping on my sunbeam, bozo! That’s…OMG! Is that mommy’s voice? It is! It’s mom, there she is! Mom’s back home, yippeeee!! Oh mom, we missed you! Daaaaaaad! Oh you’re still in the car……
This Woman Runs A Shelter For Dogs With Disabilities In The Most Difficult Place On The Planet
The Milagros Perrunos dog shelter in Lima, Peru (which is a developing nation or “third world country”) specializes on rescuing and taking care of dogs who are partially paralyzed after being hit…
These Dogs Show Us How To Sit Back & Relax
Miniature Schnauzers are feisty little dogs and these two show us just how intelligent they can be. Not only have they propped themselves up in their human’s rocking chairs, one of them is even r…
Pilot Turns Around To Save Dog’s Life Aboard Air Canada Flight
When we are traveling with our pets, whether that be in the car or on an airplane, we hope that things go as smoothly as possible for them. It’s hard not to worry, but our dogs mean the world to us…
It Looks Like This Chihuahua Is In Trouble, But The Gentle Giant Is Just Playing
A lot of people are afraid to get a small dog if they already have a big one, or vice versa…but that fear is usually without warrant. If your pup is well behaved, your chances for doggie friendsh…
All-out battle for chew toy between four tiny dogs
Chaos ensues after a favorite chew toy was tossed into a group of playful, yet competitive puppies. Watch these little ones go at it, fighting for ownership of the toy. Who will the winner be?
Polite Husky sits with legs crossed
Now here is something you don’t see too often. Watch as this Husky continues to cross her legs each time her owner separates them. According to user ‘Valdos123’, this is about the only lady-like th…
Polite dog likes to shake hands with humans
This very cordial Irish Setter can be seen here offering a paw every time his owner greets him with a hand shake. Nice manners!
These Tiny Huskies Are Dying To Play With Mom…But She’s Just Not That Into It
Being a mom can be really, really great. In fact, it can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a lifetime. BUT…that doesn’t mean there aren’t moments when the sweet, sweet babes don’t drive…
This Dog Is Endlessly, Hilariously Fascinated By A Gardening Tool
Leaf blowers are pretty commonplace for us humans — to the point where many of us find them obnoxious and just want them to go away. But for this wolf-dog hybrid, the most irritating garden mainten…
Time for a Beer Run!
Someone is clearly upset at the lack of beer in the house. And those ears sticking out of the top of the box. Classic!
Dog Sneaks into Backyard Pool
The things our dogs do when they think we aren’t looking…..
French Bulldog cuddles with stuffed animal
According to user ‘Udeekdee’, this sweet one-year-old French Bulldog loves to cuddle his Piggy when it’s nap time. Have you ever seen something so adorable?!
French Bulldog accidentally knocks down baby
While playing with Mimi the French Bulldog, this baby experienced an unexpected turn for the worse. Watch what happens when Mimi begins to kick with excitement. Don’t worry, this little guy was tot…