Dog Videos
CategoryWoman Rescues Abandoned Pit Bull From Railroad Tracks Just In Time
Nina Love is our hero. She rescues dogs that are abandoned on the streets of Philadelphia and gives them the second chance they all deserve. But a recent rescue almost ended in tragedy.
A Sick Puppy Was Abandoned By Her Owner On A Deserted Street
Little Mickey was abandoned and left to fend for herself on a street in the middle of nowhere. She was sick and they didn’t want to have to care for her. She could barely move around and was obviously in pain.
Dog Says The Final Goodbye to his Dying Owner In Hospital
When the time came to say goodbye to Ryan Jessen, his family knew there was one friend who had to be included. His loyal dog Mollie.
First-Time Golden Retriever Mom Consoles Her Crying Puppies By Bringing Them Her Favourite Toys
Mom’s are amazing. They’re always there to cheer us on when we succeed and pick us up when we fall. They aren’t taught to be the superhumans that they are, yet, they somehow manage to be just that.
Homeless Pup Was Screaming In Pain With His Ear Was Almost Torn Away
Thank You fire fighters for saving this dog. Great job. 13-year-old Boo was a dog who was having a really bad day when he went for a walk on an icy pond and ended up falling through.
Disabled Rescue Dog Cannot Control His Excitement Over New Wheelchair Ramp
Benny is a happy-go-lucky dog who doesn’t realize he is disabled. The playful pup is unable to use his hind legs but gets around great in his custom wheelchair. The Tucker Farm (comprised of Beth, her husband Joe, two kids, and numerous rescue dogs) took Benny in as a foster dog when he was just a puppy. He was born with mobility issues and surrendered to a rescue by the breeder.
Couple Rescue Abandoned Dog Starving to Death on the Streets
A couple out driving spotted a starving dog at the side of the road. They stopped to help him and in doing so saved his life. Ermioni with Diasozo Animal Rescue (DAR Rescue) in Karditsa…
A homeless dog living in a trash pile
Miley had given up on herself but we wouldn’t give up on her… After months of spotting a dog in the nearby junkyard, locals noticed that her health started to deteriorate rapidly so they made a call for help.
Golden Retriever backs down Alaskan Brown Bear
Info from Licensor: “Pretty, an 11-year-old Golden Retriever, defends his home from an Alaskan grizzly bear.”
Heartbreaking Moment For Mama Dog Digs Up Dead Puppy Trying Desperately to Bring Him Back to Life
This story speaks will break your heart into small pieces, because the grieving of a mama, whose son died says it all!
Homeless Dog Got Hit By Car And Was Too Scared To Let Us Help
Lenny wouldn’t have survived out there… his injury was terrible, his leg was necrotic and I can’t imagine the pain he experienced. The rescue was completed successfully and that was just the beginning of a long journey.
These two pups fit together perfectly
Rambo the Cavalier King Charles and Samson the Newfoundland are just the cutest duo. They spend every day playing or snuggled up together. Their love of each other brings the whole family such joy. We hope they bring joy to everyone who watches their videos!
Dog and best friend come nose to nose and hilariously imitate each other
It looks like this owner and his dog have an incredible bond, and they share such funny and cute moments! Check out how adorable this clip is!
Naughty dogs jump into pool after being told “NO”
These playful pups can’t help but jump in the pool even though their owner repeatedly tells them not to do it. So funny!