Dog Videos
CategoryEnergetic puppy takes down toddler
Watch young JP get nibbled by his puppy, Beauty. Unfortunately, playtime gets a little out of hand and some tears are shed. But don’t worry, JP was just fine and has survived nearly three decades! …
Brave Puppy Takes on Pitbull!
A brave puppy plays around with a much larger Pitbull. Looks like the little guy won this battle!
World’s Smartest Puppy!
Misa Minnie is a 7-month-old (in this video) Yorkie puppy who just loves treats, training, and California sunshine. Judging by some of the impressive tricks she pulls off, you could argue she’s the…
Chihuahua takes in pit bull puppy
This momma chihuahua, having just given birth to her own litter, took in this orphaned pit bull puppy as her own.
This Dog Meeting A Baby For The First Time Is Absolutely Too Cute For Words
When new parents bring their baby home for the first time there is always that worry about how the family dog might react. After all, the baby will be a completely new thing to the dog and as we al…
Litter of Pomeranian puppies
These fluffy Pomeranian puppies play together in this adorable video.
Chihuahua Puppy Destroys Newspaper
This little chihuahua make look cute and adorable but check out what he does to that newspaper! Have you ever had a pet that acts like this? Credit to ‘bacckstop’.
Once They Took This Pup Out Of The Concrete Cage She Was Living In…She Lit Up
Theia, a young dog, was confined to a dirty, concrete cage in Romania for most of her life. She was denied a proper diet, and was covered in fleas and ticks when rescuers found her at a city pound….
He Was Paddle Boarding When He Discovered Something Heartbreaking Swept Out To Sea
A small area of rocks far out in the sea off the coast of Kent, Australia, is not where any small pup should be, but that’s exactly what this paddle boarder found when he was making his way through…
Ball stuck in water bowl throws puppy into confusion
Carlos the French Bulldog puppy has managed to drop his ball into his water bowl. You can see the wheels turning as he tries to figure out a way to solve this problem. Watch the hilarious fiasco!
Hilarious puppy practices his dive-bombs
Check out this funny compilation of a Labradoodle puppy repeatedly jumping and diving into an old bean bag chair in the backyard. Now that looks like fun! Credit to ‘Robwakefield’.
They Were So Excited To See Daddy Home…Until He Asked Them About Being Naughty
If you think dogs don’t understand us, you haven’t seen this video.
Missy and Laydie had been waiting all day for their dad to come home and give them some love. When he finally did get off work…
They Were Biking Through The Desert…And Heard A Noise They Never Expected
Cedar Wright and Alex Honnold, professional explorers, were biking through the desert — just a regular day for them — but when they stopped along their route for a quick break, they heard somethin…
He Wanted To Go Play Outside, But Just Couldn’t Manage To GET Outside…
When this big dog wanted to bring his favorite stick outside, he never imagined it would be THIS difficult to get it through the door. When it was time to show it off to his buddy, there was just o…