Dog Videos
CategoryFrench Bulldog Chases Away Trespassing Bear Cubs
French Bulldogs are considered to be one of the laziest dog breeds. These little dogs may not look menacing, and they may not have the perfect “guard dog” look, but one Frenchie is proving to every…
After Being Shot At Point Blank Range And Surviving, This Dog Shows Us What Real Love Looks Like
Timber is a Pit Bull mix, and he’s a survivor. He was shot in the head with a shotgun at point blank range. He was left for dead when a good samaritan found him and brought him to Unleashed Pet Res…
Baby And Dog Welcomes Daddy Home In The Most Adorable Way
Dogs give the best welcome home greeting. And you know what can make that welcome home greeting even better? When there’s two of them greeting us, and one of them is a cute baby!
In the video be…
This 4-Year-Old Girl And Her Dog Just Blew This Audience Away
Dog jumps high to give hugs
A dog was so excited to see his owners that he jumped right into their arms when they got home.
Puppy Bulldog Thinks He’s the Boss!
A 6-week-old bulldog puppy thinks he’s the boss, barking at his older aunt! That wasn’t very successful!
Musical Dog Sings With Human
This human and dog combination are a real singing treat! Does your dog sing along with you? Or maybe even the radio?
Nanny pug entertains playful puppy
A very hyper pug puppy runs and jumps all over another pug, who sweetly takes some time to play with the youngster. These two look like they’re having some serious fun!
Puppy cuddles up with dad
Briard puppy cuddles up next to her daddy for bedtime.
6-week-old puppy goes swimming
A 6-week-old chocolate Labrador went swimming for the first time in his family’s pool.
Dog Protects Bone from Human
This dog protects his bone from anyone he doesn’t want to have it. He’ll even hide it from his human in his dog bed, and won’t even let them see it!
French Bulldog puppy plays with toys
This cute 7 week old French Bulldog plays with his new toys on his first day home. Warning: He may steal your heart! Credit to ‘jessdhuss’.
French Bulldog puppy argues with dad
Check out this heartwarming (and hilarious) footage of a French Bulldog puppy arguing with his father. Looks like he’s not happy with his curfew!
French Bulldog unsure what to do with large-sized treat
You gotta see the reaction this French Bulldog has when his owner presents him with a larger treat than what he’s used to.
Is that pure excitement or utter confusion?