Dog Videos
CategoryExcited dog eating ice cream
Little Johnny got very excited when I gave him a new flavor of ice cream to try. Looks like he can’t get enough of it!
Giant dog plays fetch in pool with little girl
Sebastian the giant Newfoundland dog loves to retrieve things in the pool and little Sierra loves to play with him, watching him swim. It’s cool to see such a big dog swim so gracefully! Credit to …
When a tiny dog plays with a big dog…
If you can’t beat ’em, lay on ’em! This bigger dog decides that the best way to stop the small dog from pestering it is to lay on her!
Great Dane knows exactly what to do for bath time
Basil the Great Dane knows the drill when his owner reminds him it’s time for his Sunday bath. Follow him inside, up the stairs and directly into the bathtub. Nice job, Basil!
Animals in Adorable Halloween Costumes
Check out these guys in their little Halloween costumes! Some of them are just downright adorable, and if they came trick-or-treating to our door, we’d have to give them a special little treat jus…
Horse Saves Blind Dog from Drowning
A dog named Abby is lucky to be alive after a horse came to her rescue during her greatest time of need.
Abby, a blind dog in Ukraine, escaped from his (her?) home and ran to a dock on the D…
Dog Plays Fetch with Little Boy on a toy Car in the Kitchen
This has got to be the most interesting and unconventional way to play fetch that we have every seen. What a smart cookie that dog is, and strong as well! We wonder what other amazing things this…
When A Wolf Dog Sees A Kitten For The Very First Time, What Happens Is So Sweet
Which is why, when a wolf dog and an itty-bitty kitten are put in the same room together, you never know what’s going to happen. With a single step, the big guy could easily end the kitty’s life.
Baby and puppy receive snacks
From the looks of it, Zayla the puppy is teaching baby Leighton how to beg for food from daddy. Adorable! Credit to ‘ZhemJZ’.
Baby hilariously amused at jumping puppy
This precious moment features 10-month-old baby Leighton laughing wildly as she plays a game of keep away with her puppy Zayla. Watch as Zayla desperately attempts to reclaim her unicorn, causing L…
Puppy caught sleeping in hilariously odd fashion
Gunnar, an 11-month-old Siberian Husky, tends to sleep in some odd positions. This clip catches him sleeping upside down in the laundry room! A few flicks of the light seems to wake him up, but he’…
Puppy seeks affection from sleeping Doberman
Sonar the Doberman mix has had an exhausting day and just wants some sleep. It doesn’t look like that’s possible since Libby the Great Dane desperately wants some loving! Watch the adorably annoyin…
This Guy Emptied His Bank Account To Rescue And Adopt A Dog 1500 Miles Away
Love at first sight–that’s exactly what this man named Joel Carpe…
When This Dog Grabbed The Rope, The Kids Had No Idea This Would Happen
We have seen dogs who are incredibly skilled at jump rope. There was even that dog who blew us away with his amazing double dutch jump rope skills. But have you ever seen a dog who’s patient enough…