Dog Videos
CategoryTiny bulldog puppy learns how to bark
Onslo is a newborn Bulldog puppy that appears to be learning how to bark for the first time. Watch him adorably try to crawl and explore his new world. How precious is that? Credit to ‘Bulldogpup’….
How to make a lazy bulldog go for walks
This English Bulldog hates going out for his walk. He will drag his legs, pull back, and even lie down in protest! So user ‘VonnyR’ decided to invent a brilliant way to motivate him – cheese on a s…
Pit Bull trained to locate newborn baby
Diesel the Pit Bull has been trained to perform a very special task. Watch as his owner instructs him to find and locate the newest addition to the family – baby Ridley! So precious.
Well trained dog executes the rollover flip
Have you ever seen a dog pull off consecutive rollover flips like this before? Watch as Scruffy, a well trained and excited puppy, shows off his talent in the park!
Dog trained to gently rock baby cradle
Watch as this sweet and caring dog named Shira rocks the baby cradle on command. Now that’s a precious moment that’ll warm your heart!
10 Pups Eat Solid Food With Mom For The First Time And What A FEAST It Is!
What a sight to observe all ten puppies happily gobbling down their first solid meal with mama and papa dog on both ends Look at how well behaved they are! I mean for 10 pups, that’s quite an achie…
Expeditioners Rescue Puppy Rescued from Desert
Sufferpup is one lucky puppy. No one knows how this weeks-old puppy found its way all alone in the dessers, but thanks to National Geographic grantee expeditioners Cedar Wright and Alex Honnol…
German Shepherd and baby are best friends
An adorable moment was captured between a German Shepherd and a baby while they watch some TV together. So cute! Credit to ‘Jamon9’.
White German Shepherd cuddles baby goat
Watch as Shadow, a white German Shepherd, looks over and cuddles with the family’s newborn baby Pygmy goat, a breed of miniature domestic goat. According to her owner, she took care of the adorable…
German Shepherd entertains tiny puppy
Here’s some more proof that German Shepherds can be truly sweet pets. Watch as this one gently plays with a very tiny Morkie puppy.
Now that looks like fun! Credit to ‘robinkrumm’.
German shepherd plays on a park slide
Looks like this White German Shepherd, named Neo, just can’t get enough of that park slide. Watch as the little guy puts it to good use!
Silly Pup Refuses To Ride In The Car Unless His Human Holds His Paw For Comfort
While some dogs are naturally brave, others are a bit shy and might need a little coaxing from their human to feel comfortable. Some dogs may love water, others can’t stand it. Most dogs like peopl…
Man Crashes Into A House Drunk And Tells Police His Dog Was Driving
Of all the get-of-jail free card excuse this had to be the most absurd!!! We all have heard a lot of stories on how to get out of a ticket but this one takes the cake! Pinning the blame on his dog …
He Was Abandoned In The Middle Of Nowhere, But He’ll Make You Cry With Joy Today
This poor pup was recently left to rot and wither away in a rural area of Greece. His skin was covered in mange, he was malnourished, and he even had a fractured leg. Luckily, a local rescue g…