Dog Videos
CategoryDog won’t let owner use vacuum cleaner
Looks like Vela doesn’t trust that suspicious vacuum cleaner. Watch as she attacks it while her owner attempts to clean the house!
Fat Pug won’t let owner use scale
Want to use your scale today? Well, this adorable pug is not having any of it. Every time the playful puppy’s owner goes to move the scale, the dog makes a funny growling noise and tries to ca…
These Hilarious Dogs Know That Windshield Wipers Are Up To No Good
When it comes to hanging out in cars, most dogs are totally on board. Going for rides is always a blast, and there’s nothing quite like cruising down back roads with your head hanging out of the wi…
There’s A Man Buried Under This Pile Of Dogs — When You Find Out Why, You’ll Melt
A man in Serbia named Sasa is one of the happiest people on the planet. Why? Because he gets to play with 450 dogs on a daily basis…450 dogs that he saved. He founded the sanctuary so that these …
Monkey Adopts Weiner Dog And It’s The Sweetest Thing You’ll See All Day!
Prepare to witness arguably the cutest thing you’ll see all week! It’s nothing much–just a monkey adopting a weiner dog and giving it lots of tender loving care. How can anyone not be touched by th…
Adventurers Save Puppy Stranded In The Desert, Takes Him On Epic Road Trip!
This is going to be one of the cutest stories you will see all week. National Geographic’s Cedar Wright and Alex Honnold loves adventures and do not mind suffering along the way.
In their late…
Robbers Attempted To Steal A Baby, But Were Stopped By Heroes Waiting At The Back Door!
This woman was sobbing as she accounted the horrifying incident of an armed robbery that happened right inside her own home. The robbers asked for money, and threatened to take the baby if they did…
Man Runs Into Burning Building To Save Dog. Watch Him In Action!
No one can predict what will happen in a moment of distress or anguish. More so, that even, amidst the tattered mayhem that’s engulfing you, and ember of bravery may inspire you to risk your life t…
Senior Dog Couldn’t Get Around Anymore. Two Home Depot Staff Did The Sweetest Thing For Him
There are good people everywhere and they sure came around for this senior dog. Ike is 15 years of age and has been battling leg cancer for some time now. He isn’t very mobile because of his illnes…
English bulldog dances with his owner
According to his owner, this adorable English bulldog, named “Brutus”, loves to dance to music whenever it hits his ears. Watch him in action!
Toddler and English Bulldog dance together
There’s a party on the sofa! Check out this adorable footage of a toddler dancing alongside an English Bulldog. These two have got some moves! Credit to ‘Bulldogger’.
English Bulldog puppies adorably play together
Meet Lucy and Otis, two English Bulldog puppies that will most definitely melt your heart. So precious! Credit to ‘jmarcoz’.
Attentive puppies watch mom and dad play
Louie and Lady might not know it, but they have an audience! Their 5-week-old puppies are watching and learning from their every step!
Dalmatian puppies play tug of war
Watch as these adorable Dalmatian puppies play a classic game of Tug of War. It will definitely make your day!