Dog Videos
CategoryThe Amazing Parkour Pup!
This dog is amazing! Parkour always looks very impressive (and also very dangerous sometimes) when humans are doing it, but to see a dog with such moves must have take quite a bit of practice, and …
Adorable Golden Retriever Puppies In the Snow!
Watch these adorable Golden Retriever puppies play in the snow! That will warm your heart right up! Find out more about them from Heath Puppies.
Once This Dog Figures Out What’s Under This Blanket, She Can NOT Hold In Her Joy
Returning home from vacation, this dog’s owner decided to play a funny trick on his pup. Running into the backyard before Fizz could see him, he found the perfect hiding spot under a blanket, and…
Golden Retriever adorably plays in the snow
Two friends decided to take Leo the Golden Retriever outside for some fun in the snow. Watch as he does a bit of sledding with a water bottle. How cute is that? Credit to ‘Aneszej’.
Adorable Corgi puppies attack cardboard box
Now this will melt your heart! Watch as a Corgi puppy litter teams up against a helpless cardboard box. How precious is that?
This Worried Pup Couldn’t Find Her Toy, So She Went Searching Everywhere!
This adorable golden retriever is obsessed with her teddy bear. So much so that when her favorite toy isn’t by her side she gets awfully worried.
To test just how much she loves her teddy, the d…
Parrot and puppy share endearing friendship
A puppy has made an unlikely new friend but still an incredibly precious one. It appears this new friend has taken a liking to the puppy as well!
Alaskan Klee Kai puppies discover toddler
Once they realize there’s a potential new friend relaxing on the couch, this litter of Alaskan Klee Kai puppies try their best to get up there with him!
So cute!
Alaskan Malamute enjoys playtime with toddler
Watch as Evo the Alaskan Malamute enjoys a precious moment with 6-month-old baby Adam. A friendship in the making!
When They Slapped Some Boots On Their Dog’s Feet…Hilarity Ensued!
When they slapped a pair of booties on this dog’s back two legs, they only wanted to get him used to the idea that winter is coming. His paws would be so much warmer with them wrapped in boots. But…
Dog Tries to Rescue His Buddy Who Is NOT Drowning
“Don’t go in there man! Bad things are in there… REALLY bad things!” he seemed to say.
Little girl trains giant dog
10 year old Savannah shows off her skills at communicating commands to a giant Newfoundland dog. Credit to ‘brenmichelle’.
When Her Own Puppy Passed Away, This Mom Adopted An Unlikely Group Of Babies
The night Penny the Chihuahua gave birth to a stillborn puppy, she sobbed at her loss. With tears streaking down her eyes and snout, she mourned for her poor baby. That’s when her owners knew they …
Dog cries after mom drops son off at school
According to Gabriela C., this heartbroken dog cries every morning after she drops off her son at school in Texas, USA. How adorable is that?