Dog Videos
CategoryBeagle Does the Most Convincing Job of Playing Dead
This is an older clip from The Late Show, but man oh man is it a funny one. That’s one convincing trick, that’s for sure!
Here’s Why Puppies Are Bad Housekeepers
Have you ever tried doing chores with your pet around? What happens when you turn on the vacuum, try mopping, or sort the dirty laundry? Yes, we know. We’ve lived it. The dog goes crazy once an…
Dying Dog Finally Gets His Wish!
Poor, sweet dog finally gets his last wish at the end of his life – to be loved and cared for in the warmth of a loving home. This video is so sad, I cried. I have seen so many of these stories a…
Homeless Dog Gets Makeover That Saves His Life!
See the amazing transformation of this shelter dog who probably wouldn’t have made it, but for the kindness of a volunteer groomer who made him adoptable! Where there was once a filthy pile of matt…
His Mission: Reshape The Way People View Pit Bulls
Pit Boss star named Shorty Rossi really loves pitbulls. He said that he developed a love for them when he was a teenager and made a promise to make a mission and that is to reshape the way people t…
Golden Retrievers invade owner’s privacy during bath time
All she wants to do is take a bath, but that is becoming rather difficult for this dog owner when you have a pair of Golden Retrievers hovering over your every move. Time to queue up ‘Every Breath …
Golden Retriever befriends life size teddy bear!
Zack can hardly contain his excitement when he discovers his new friend – a massive teddy bear! Within seconds he has already brought it a slipper for fetch and dragged it across the room for some …
This Dog Dad Has A Brilliant Way Of Making His Dog Take Her Medicine!!
One of the issues that we dog owners go through is making our beloved dogs take their medicine. We know medicine can taste super icky sometimes, so we can’t really blame them if they don’t like it….
Golden Retriever shows off training skills
Cosmo the very smart Golden Retriever shares with us the tricks he has learned with his owner. Look how well he performs them! Credit to ‘loyalgold’.
Golden Retriever “freezes up” in protest
Regan’s normal routine is to play fetch at the park with his Golden Retriever right when he gets home from work each day. Unfortunately he can’t always make it on time! In this instance, Mia had an…
The Guardian of Fukushima’s Abandoned Animals
According to BBC News, a man by the name of Naoto Matsumura is the last person living in Tomioka, Japan. The area was devastated after the disasters at the Fukushima power plant, causing almos…
Watch These Dogs Feel The Warm Touch Of A Loving Hand For The Very First Time
Imagine a life spent in fear and uncertainty…not knowing what it’s like to be loved and cared for. That’s how stray dogs feel. They don’t have a place to call home, they have to find food for thems…
Dog Dancing for Their Thanksgiving Dinner
Check out some of the crazy dance moves on these dags trying to get some turkey with the trimmings! Remember readers, not all food on Thanksgiving is good for your dog, so make sure you’re doing t…
Border collies share loving moment
Watch as Border Collies Holly and Ace share a precious moment with one another. Now that’s absolutely adorable!