Dog Videos
CategoryParrot Competes With Dog For Owner’s Lunch
A Maltese dog and Ringneck Parrot compete for lunch, who do you think deserves it? By PeekabooParrots.
Hidden camera captures hilarious dog behavior
Oakley, the oldest of these three Siberian Huskies, clearly shows she still has a ton of spunk left in her. After setting up a hidden camera, her owners managed to catch her displaying some very en…
Three legged rescue dog befriends tripod puppy
Rex recently had his leg amputated. Since then he’s become a little shy about meeting new dogs, but that is until he is introduced to another puppy just like him. Watch the heartwarming interaction…
Dog realizes she’s no longer a puppy
When this dog was just a puppy, she always jumped through the stair case banister. Unfortunately, she’s now a little too big for that!
Dog expresses dislike of owner’s rude behavior
Zella the dog is well aware that it’s rude to point your finger at someone. So watch what happens when her owner decides to point a finger at her. That’s not very nice! Filmed in Richmond, Virginia…
Great Danes enjoy a swim in the pool
Max goes for a dip and Katie enjoys her floatie during the Dog Days of Summer.
Helpful Great Danes bring in the groceries
Katie brings in her bag of dog treats while Max opts for the gluten free cheese poppers. But will they return to the vehicle to help out some more or will they dig in to their dog treats? Filmed in…
Dash Cam Captures “Dramatic” Dog Rescue
While driving to get his car checked over, ‘Welshdrive’ came across a large dog in the middle of the road. It is not recommended to approach an unfamiliar dog, but the location and size of the dog …
French Fries: Impossible
The lengths that some will go to just for a french fry are astounding!
When Her Little Dog Sees A Dolphin, She Does The Cutest, Most Unexpected Thing!
Even if you’re not a dog lover, you know that some pooches have Napoleon complexes. They think and act like they’re tough, macho beasts not to be messed with. They’re also often less than 10 pounds…
Dog Eats Entire Box of Green Food Coloring
There’s no question who ate the green food coloring. The question now is how in the world does one get all of that out of the carpet and the dog’s fur…
Dog Gets Head Stuck in Oatmeal Tube
We knew oatmeal was a good breakfast, but we didn’t know the tube it comes in makes such a great hat!
Who Are YOU Calling FAT!?!?
This pug may look like he needs to shed a few pounds, but how much did that scale say he weighed? That’s quite a reaction!