Dog Videos
CategoryCouple Turns Old School Into Senior Dog Sanctuary, Loves Them Til Their Last Breath
What used to be a school in Shawnee, Missouri has been transformed into a sanctuary for senior dogs. Kathryn Lask and Todd Mitchell were volunteering at another dog sanctuary when they decided to start one of their own closer to home.
Woman ‘Baby-Talks’ To Terrified Puppy, Is Gifted With A Sign Gratitude In Return
Vet tech Rachel Barron noticed how stressed the puppy was. All Rachel wanted to do was put her at ease. Rachel went a bit further than that. By speaking to Layla in “baby-talk”, Layla flashed a smile that could melt even the blackest hearts.
Every Day This Dog Rides The Bus All By Herself To Go To The Park
The daily grind… it can get to any of us. Those long commutes can take their toll. Let’s take a look at the ruff day Eclipse has to deal with. The adorable dog takes the bus all by herself to her destination: the dog park!
Dog Clings To Couch For A Week In Hurricane Flood Waters Waiting To Be Saved
When Hurricane Florence swept across the Carolinas, leaving much destruction in its path. People were displaced from their homes, and many were forced to evacuate, sadly leaving their pets behind.
Mama Dog Abandons Tiny Puppies After Loud Explosions In Ukraine
It’s not just people that are being affected by the war either, but pets are as well. Many pets are being left behind as their owners flee, and the strays that were already living on the streets have fewer resources available.
Tiny Kitten Helps Golden Retriever Overcome His Separation Anxiety
When the COVID-19 pandemic started, many people were forced to work from home. While it wasn’t a great situation, the work-from-home setup did benefit a lot of people, and pets were especially thrilled about the new setup of their owners.
Pit Bull Abandoned At Fast-Food Restaurant Covers Her Rescuers With Kisses
Hope for Paws, an animal rescue in California, was contacted about a pit bull abandoned at a fast-food restaurant. Most of the calls they receive are about abandoned pets and they work day and night to help as many as possible. They immediately sent JoAnn Wiltz and Alex Babcock to rescue the dog.
Labrador Shows The World How To Do Yoga With A Little Help From His Human
If you’ve ever had the opportunity to have a labrador in your life, you realize that they are some of the sweetest animals imaginable. Labradors just fill your heart from the inside out, and they show you love 100% of the time.
Deaf And Blind Dog Immediately Recognizes Her Grandpa After A Year Apart
When Hayden Kristal brought Bitsy home five years ago, her dad, Steve, had some concerns. He worried about what kind of life the 5-week-old deaf and blind puppy would have, and whether she’d be able to get around on her own.
Camera Catches Dad And Dog’s Adorable Nighttime Routine
Ever since José Paulo Da Silva and his wife rescued their dog Lola from the streets of Brazil two years ago, life just hasn’t been the same. Gone are the uneventful evenings the couple had gotten used to.
Dog Hasn’t Seen Soldier In 10-Months And Goes Bonkers Once She Spots Her At Airport
Being away from our pets for long periods of time can be very difficult. It can be even more difficult for our pets since they don’t understand where we are or if we are coming back.
Pit Bull Sobs Like A Baby After Mom’s Death, Begs UPS Driver To Give Him A Home
Katie Newhouser has been a UPS driver for 15 years. She loves to greet the dogs on her route with treats and hugs. That is how she befriended a friendly Pit Bull named Leo and his mom, Tina Rummel, who lived in one of the neighborhoods of her delivery network.
No One Wanted This ‘Grumpy Old Man’ Dog But Now He Has The Best Family
Many times, our pets can even become “grumpy” in their old age. We had a cat that turned into a veritable grandpa with his attitude when he went past the age of thirteen.
Sled Dogs Trek Through Snow To Deliver Groceries & Medication To Elderly
Hannah Lucas, of Caribou, Maine, runs the Northlane Siberian Huskies and Seppala Siberian Sleddog team. She and a group of sled Huskies have found an amazing way to help residents of their state who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.