Dog Videos
CategoryWoman Wakes Up To Find Stray Dog Sitting On Her Patio Furniture
When Amy Haden woke up one morning, her daughter informed her that a dog was outside on the patio. Since Haden has two pets, she didn’t think much of it and assumed it was one of her dogs. But apparently, it was a different dog they’d never seen before!
Rescuers Found a 5-Year-Old Lost Boy Accompanied by His Dog Best Friend
In Houston, Jasmine Martinez was left worried at home after noticing that her 5-year-old son with Down Syndrome was missing. She and her son took an afternoon nap, and when she woke up, José wasn’t home anymore.
Mary The Bulldog Found Abandoned And Bleeding On A Roadside Finally Finds Her Forever Home
A bulldog was seen thrown out of a truck in Woodbridge, Connecticut back in late October. The animal control officer that handled the wounded animal said that the dog had some internal bleeding when she was …
Bo The Dog Likes to Keep His Loved Ones Close, and a Blanket Is One of Them
One of the most charming traits a dog has is that they are usually sociable. It’s heartwarming how much a dog can express their love for you — dogs definitely earned the title “man’s best friend.”
Cute Dog Rescued From Shelter Cannot Hide Her Happiness
A sweet little puppy named Matilda is one of the happy dogs with sad stories. She was a stray and picked up by Douglas County Animal Shelter in Georgia when she was only 2-months old.
Missing Labrador Travelled 57-miles to Go to Her Previous Home
A yellow Labrador named Cleo went missing and was found in her owner’s previous home. Cleo was last seen in their Kansas home and a week later showed up in their former home in Missouri.
This Ice-skating Dog Helps Kids and Young Adults Build Confidence
Meet Benny, the ice-skating dog, who also received the 2021 AKC Awards for Canine Excellence. This award recognizes dogs who make positive impacts on the communities.
Dog Cowers In Fear But A Kind Veterinarian Gains His Trust
I think that all of us can say that we love animals, at least, we love the animals that live in our homes. There are also those who do more than simply love animals, they have made it a part of their life to care for them in special ways.
Dog Showed Up On Woman’s Patio Chair & Refused To Leave Until He Was Adopted
Every morning when Amy Haden looked outside, he was sitting there. And every day when she got home from work, he was still there. She knew she had to do something to help him.
Mama Dogs Rescued From Neglectful Breeder Search For New Home Together
Being completely on your own in an environment of pain and suffering can be so tough to face alone. But two little dogs came through their horrible experiences because of their friendship.
80-Year-Old Woman Waits Outside Shelter All Night To Adopt Perfect Rescue Dog
Staying up all night may not be a deal when you’re young, but most people are done pulling all-nighters by the time they turn 80. However, one 80-year-old Bakersfield woman didn’t hesitate to stay up all night if it meant adopting the perfect dog.
Cattle Dog Digs Trench To Help Owner ‘Herd’ Water Through The Yard
Take Sissy, for example. As an Australian cattle dog, herding cattle is in her blood and DNA. She needs to have a purpose and that purpose should preferably be herding.
Puppy Tossed Outside By Cruel Owner Learns That Humans Can Be Nice
I know I’ve said that I’m much more of a cat person than a dog person, but there is one thing that I absolutely love and admire about dogs, and that is their unwavering loyalty.
PETA Germany Rescues Over 700 Animals From Ukraine
PETA Germany has been dispatching teams to Ukraine’s western borders in order to provide assistance to the refugees and their animal companions. Loaded down with food…