Dog Videos
CategoryGuard dog takes a break to go sledding!
All pups have a playful side to them, even if they’re professional dogs. Police dogs, for example, need to spend time goofing around when they’re not on duty just as much as any other dog does! Eve…
Little Girl Performs An Adorable Check-Up On Her Very Patient Dog
Having both dogs and children in one home can definitely feel like a handful now and then. I’ve seen tons of parents struggle to wrangle in all the hectic commotion caused by their four and two-leg…
Golden Retriever “freezes up” in protest
Regan’s normal routine is to play fetch at the park with his Golden Retriever right when he gets home from work each day. Unfortunately he can’t always make it on time! In this instance, Mia had an…
Dog Takes A Car Ride
This bloodhound loves to take his car rides to cool off!
Info From Licensor: “We are wild foragers couple of real FunGuy’s this was after a summer hunt and enjoying a dip in the river. We have mor…
Neglected Dog Literally Puts His Paw In The Hand Of His Rescuer!
Duffy was found in a puppy mill. He was severely matted, starved, and neglected. Yet, you can see this dog is a fighter and has a heart of gold. He literally puts his paw in the hands of his rescue…
Dog Springs Laundry Basket Trap on Other Dog
Have you ever had a sibling that you just wanted to trap under a laundry basket? Apparently, that’s exactly what this dog wanted!
Having Emus for Best Friends Isn’t Weird at All!
Daisy has a great life. Every day, she gets to play with her favorite buddies – a bunch of emus. You might not think these birds would make the best playmates, but Daisy will show you just how much…
Here’s Why These Six Foods Can Kill Your Dog
We all know there are certain foods our dogs shouldn’t eat – chocolate, onions, grapes – we know this because everyone says “a dog shouldn’t eat that,” but do you really know why our furry friends …
Baby Fart Scares Dog Away
Babies are totally cute and all, but what the heck have they been feeding that child?!?! We’re with the dog on this one. RUN AWAY!!!
GoPro Camera Captures The Joy Of A Dog Running Through Snow
You never know exactly what’s going through a dog’s mind. Their silly little faces don’t usually give away much about their thought process. You can spend hours watching them sniff around your hous…
Video Attempts To Define Why God Made Dogs
Dogs are known as man’s best friend. There are many different dogs out there and what’s funny about this video is that there is a background voice that is “reading from the bible”. According to the…
This is the cutest Pomeranian you will ever see. The video below explains why
I can assure you all that you have never seen something like this before. What you will see in the following video is a little Pomeranian puppy. This is the cutest Pomeranian you will ever see in y…
Happy Dog Runs Around The Backyard And Makes Doggie Snow Angels
Everyone has met a dog like this guy before. We all know at least one of them! The dogs that are just so filled with excitement and energy, no matter what the weather or where they are, they just s…
Inseparable Brothers Were Split Up, But 4 Months Later? INCREDIBLE.
Bentley and Brady are brothers and they both were looking for a forever home, while at the shelter. The first one to get adopted was Bently. He got adopted by a girl who said she fell in love insta…