Dog Videos
CategoryThese Dogs Running In Their Sleep Will Definitely Put A Smile On Your Face
Don’t you just love watching your dog sleep?
They look so peaceful when they sleep. And then there are those times when they do something really hilarious in their sleep. Sometimes dogs bark i…
Amazing Pit Bull Backflips
That dog has got to be the happiest, and most talented pit pull we’ve ever seen! Truly amazing!
Animals Who Have Interesting Things to Say
We think that some of these animals have better things to say than some of the people you see on the television these days…
Dog Is a Master of Stealth Peanut Butter Eating
This dog has mastered the fine art of hiding while eating stolen peanut butter, also known as “stealth peanut butter eating.” Just check out his world class skills! And coming up with an awesome …
Meet a Pit Bull named Will Sniff – The True “Fresh Pup Of Bel Air!”
Everyone knows the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air – when it comes on the TV you can’t help but sing along. Everyone seems to know all the words. But this? Next level!
Some amazing…
An Abandoned Piglet Finds A Forever Family And A New Best Friend!
Meet Piper! This adorable piglet was abandoned and left out in the cold. Thankfully, this amazing family found her, rescued her, and has made her their own! Now Piper is living the good life and ha…
Woman Proposes To Her Boyfriend With The Help Of An Adorable Pug
When I was smaller, I struggled with the idea that a woman could propose to a man if she wanted to marry him. I didn’t see anything wrong with the gesture, I was just stuck on the image of a woman …
How to negotiate with a puppy!
Although a little resistant at first, 4-month-old Samson the Newfoundland puppy finally gives in when Sierra tells him he can’t play if he doesn’t follow the rules. Witness this dog’s learning proc…
Great Dane extremely jealous of new puppy
This dog owner shows us just what happens when she wants to pet her new puppy. An enormous and envious Great Dane jumps on her, attempting to come between her and the puppy. This has got to be the …
Persistent Pup Refuses To Let His Owner Take Away His Pacifier
If you have a pet at home, you know how silly they can be. Our dogs and cats do the funniest of things, and if you’re lucky enough to catch them on camera, you can share their antics with the world…
Dog Sings While Human Plays Piano
OK, so maybe they won’t be singing any huge recording deals with a major label, but who cares? After all, it’s really about the music in the end!
Teenagers Find Ways to Help Animals in Need
Do you know how many of today’s youth are more interested in putting their phones down and doing something to help others? Not too many. A group of Florida high school kids, inspired by their amazi…
Dog Sings and Makes Birthday Special
When it comes to singing happy birthday, this dog doesn’t miss a beat
Slow-Motion Water Balloon Catch
Dogs catching things is quite funny at times, but there’s just something hauntingly beautiful about the slow-motion catch!