Dog Videos
CategoryAn Injured Dog, On The Run For Four Years, Is Finally Rescued
A homeless dog, with his leg stuck inside his collar, was almost like a myth. He would be seen every now and then on the loose but no one could catch him. Several people put out food and water for …
This Ending Will Show You How Subaru Just Gets It
Subaru makes commercials that all dog lovers adore. This one really hit home, being that I’m a pet parent and a human parent. Have you ever done this for your fussy baby? Just wait ’til the very en…
If You Watch Only One Feel Good Video Today, This Should Be It!
A person that says he will go without food just so he has enough money to drive shelter dogs to their new forever homes, is a true hero in my book. Greg Mahle drives his truck to the deep south whe…
The PAW-fect Adoption Tail
Adoption is what we’re all about, so it’s paw-tastic to know that these two Puppy Bowl participants are rescues. YAY! Meet May and Grayson (aka Samoa and Cream Puff) and their loving humans and hea…
This Very Helpful Orange Kitten Makes Lunchtime Easy For His Dog Friend
Have you ever had a day when you wake up and your body simply does not want to move? You try to lift up your arm to turn off your 6:00 a.m. alarm, but it feels like there’s an anchor tied to it. I’…
A Tiny Kitty Does Her Very Best Impression Of Her Big Dalmatian Friend…
If you’re a younger child, you know what it’s like to look up to an older sibling. As the younger child, you’re following in big brother or sister’s footprints every step of the way.
If your old…
Large Doberman Gets Scared by Tiny Plush Toy
Patience, an 8-year-old girl, was devastated when she found her dog Brownie after he was hit by a car. Brownie is lucky and will make a full recovery, thanks in part to Patience using her Disney s…
Large Doberman Gets Scared by Tiny Plush Toy
Dobermans were once used as guard dogs or police dog because they (as all dogs are) are loyal pets. Dobermans are poised and their beautiful strong stand can at times seem intimidating. Well in thi…
Important News Report Derailed by Cute Dog on Lawnmower
For us dog lovers, news are only important if they involve dogs. Well for this broadcaster, her tornado damage report is second best to a dog riding a lawnmower. When the news woman spots a pooch o…
Dog’s Reaction to Being Told They’ve Been Adopted
These dogs have all found out that they have been adopted, and will be going home with a new family or person. Finally, they get the forever home and family that every dog deserves!
You’d Never Know This Dog Is Blind
Jacob is a carefree, happy-go-lucky dog. He LOVES life. He has a blast running around, swimming, and playing with his dog friends. He’s blind, but you’d never know it, because he never lets that…
Animal Rescue Center Is Given Amazing Gift
Dogs are truly one of the most incredible animals that we could ever ask to share the planet with. While all animals are beautiful and unique in their own ways, there is no other animal on the Eart…
She Broke The News To Her Puppy About Having A Baby Sister. Watch How The Dog Reacts.
When Junie’s mother points to her belly and lets the dog know that there is a baby in there, the dog is flabbergasted. Junie wants answers, darn it! Who did this to their mother? Where can Junie ca…
Dog Loves To Peacefully Sleep On The Beach
It’s a well known and much beloved fact that dogs love to sleep. No matter how excitable or energetic a particular dog might be, when it comes time to have a bit of a snack, these amazing animals h…