Dog Videos
CategoryPit Bull Shows the World how “Vicious” They can Be
This pit bull totally stole the show when on Ellen looking for a new home. Total proof of just how “dangerous” pit bulls can be.
(NOTE: Pit bulls are ONLY dangerous when a stupid human MAKES th…
Dog Found with Both Eyes Damaged Gets Forever Home
To say that Ashton was in a bad way when was he was found and rescued is an understatement. He was brought into an animal shelter with both of his eyes basically popped out of their sockets, and s…
Man Proudly Displays New Fence for Dog
This guy worked so hard on his new fence for his yard. Keeps his family safe, and the dog too. Provided the dog doesn’t have the ability to gazelle-leap over it that is……
Dog Didn’t Meant to Eat Lipstick, She Just Wanted to Wear Some
A woman comes home and finds her dog with a new look. Somehow the pet got into the woman’s cosmetics and decides to try some on, but instead ends up eating an entire lipstick. We would like to thin…
Husky Demands Piggy-Back Ride When Feet get Tired
Sure, this husky enjoys taking a walk with his human just as much as the next dog. However, whenever his husky feets get sore, he demands a piggy-back ride! That’s one creative dog!
Elderly Dog Cries When Her Mom Finally Comes Home
Army Private Hannah Foraker hadn’t ever really left home for a long period of time before, until she went away to boot camp for three months. When she returned home, her elderly dog, Buddy gave he…
Just A Daddy Dog Toting His Pups Along With Him In A Backpack!
We’ve got a video that will have you smiling from ear to ear. This video may just be five seconds, but it’s definitely short and sweet!
This daddy dog is about to cross the street, and you’ll no…
Disabled Pit Bull Plays With Rescued Street Dog
The dogs in the video below may have had a rough past, but they don’t let their rough past stop them from living happily in the present.
In the video, you will see a disabled Pit Bull named Augg…
This Dog Will Dance For Food!
The dog in the video below doesn’t…
The Weird Things Couples Do With Their Dogs! Do You Do This Too?
Our dogs are our babies, so of course, we treat them like our very own child. Some people who don’t love dogs as much as we do may think we are crazy, and they will never understand. We love our do…
Sleeping Baby Snuggles Up With Two Tiny Puppies
The relationship between humans and dogs is something that is truly a wonder of the world. Over thousands of years our relationship with these incredible animals has only gotten closer and closer.
Angel Would Just Stare At A Wall For Hours BUT Look At Her Now!
This sad, scared, and abused dog named Angel, would spend most of her day huddled in a corner. If shelter workers came near her, she would just put her face to the wall and wouldn’t move. It was th…
A Puppy Rescued From Dog Meat Trade In South Korea Plays With A Toy For The Very First Time
Being a dog should be about the simple things in life. Taking walks, hanging out with their favorite humans and friends, and playing with toys. Sadly, Snowball didn’t have that chance… UNTIL … The …
A Dog Saves A Dog? Yup!
Animal rescues are what we’re all about, but to hear a story like this one is quite unusual (and totally amazing!). When this pair accidentally gets out of their house and wanders off when their hu…