Dog Videos
CategoryCan You Imagine Finding Your Missing Dog After 5 Long Years?
After 5 long years without their best friend, this Indiana family got the best Christmas present ever! Chuckie was found along with 165 other animals in a hoarding situation in Ohio. Thankfully, th…
A Puppy Rescued From Dog Meat Trade In South Korea Plays With A Toy For The Very First Time
Being a dog should be about the simple things in life. Taking walks, hanging out with their favorite humans and friends, and playing with toys. Sadly, Snowball didn’t have that chance… UNTIL … The …
Deserving Dogs From The South Korean Meat Trade Get Amazing Forever Families
The Humane Society has done incredible work rescuing dogs here and overseas. HSI (Humane Society International) is working tirelessly to rescue dogs waiting for slaughter in the dog meat trade indu…
Dog Reunites With Her Owner After 2 Years and Has the Most Adorable Reaction Ever
After living and working in Slovenia for two years, Rebecca Ehalt returned home to Pennsylvania in July 2014 and shared a touching video of her reunion with the family dog. In the clip, Rebecca is …
A Caring Neighbor Saves Two Pit Bulls Just In The Nick Of Time
Zeek and Izzy are two sweet natured, loving Pit Bulls. Their original owners neglected them. A kind 88 year old neighbor and her daughter started to feed and care for the dogs until one day the pup…
If You Watch Only One Feel Good Video Today, This Should Be It!
A person that says he will go without food just so he has enough money to drive shelter dogs to their new forever homes, is a true hero in my book. Greg Mahle drives his truck to the deep south whe…
Puppy Love: Young Pet Rescue Volunteer Receives Dream Doggie
At only 7-years of age, Elizabeth is already proving that she’s a compassionate human being who enjoys comforting animals in need by volunteering for her local animal rescue mission. While voluntee…
This Inspiring Commercial Of A Dog Waiting For His Human Will Have You In Tears
There are just those commercials that brings tears to our eyes, and this one is definitely one of them.
Dogs Trust is the largest dog welfare charity in the UK. They are on a mission to find hom…
Homeless Pit Bull Rescued Dangerously Close To A Busy Freeway
This brand-new rescue video from Hope For Paws is truly something special. A homeless pit bull had been living on the streets alone, seeking shelter in the brush located dangerously close to the bu…
Handicap Puppy Mill Dog Gets to Walk Again
During the first week of March, animal rescuers discovered 295 dogs living in deplorable conditions in an Arkansas puppy mill. Among the hundreds of dogs living in filth and with no access to medic…
Navy Rescues Dog Lost at Sea Five Weeks Ago
When Luna was last seen, she had been tossed overboard from a fishing vessel in the Pacific Ocean. That was five weeks ago, and she was presumed dead at one point. However, as luck would have it,…
This Soldier Had to Leave Her Senior Dog Behind. Now Watch the Pup’s Reaction When Mommy Returns.
There is no way to overstate the level of sacrifice that it takes to be a soldier and fight for your country’s continued right to freedom. Not only do soldiers place their own lives at risk every d…
Man Saves Dog That Was Chained Up For 14 Years. His Reward Is Priceless
Grey Muzzle Rescue was started by Thayne and Christine Hamilton over 10 years ago. They rescued more than 20 dogs who, were it not for their love and commitment would have died due to abuse, neglec…
What Happened After This Dog’s Owner Died In Combat Shocked Everyone. I Have Chills All Over.
When Rhonda Rollins sent her son Justin to fight for America as an Army Specialist, she didn’t know he would make the ultimate sacrifice. This brave young man lost his life in service to our countr…