Dog Videos
CategoryThis Relationship Is Special For More Than One Reason. Just Wait Till You See That Kitten. Oh My.
We have to admit that some cats-dogs friendships are as cute as friendships could ever be. These two have such an adorable friendship, and I bet they have the most amazing time together. Life would…
The HERO Police Dog Who Fought To Protect Us Lost His Life. This Is His Tribute.
Police dogs have an immense impact in the protection of the officers, while in danger. Their nature is to always step up, and became the heroes of the story, just to protect their beloved officers….
2 Women Found This Dog In A Junkyard. They Decided To Scan For A Microchip And… OMG.
Losing a dog is one of the worst things in the world an animal lover/dog owner can experience. The same happened to this couple that lost their dog two years ago in a terrible event. An automobile …
They Got A Dog And Left Him In The Backyard To Die. But Then This Happened…
A cruel family had gotten a dog, whom they refused to feed. They just put the poor thing in the backyard, and ignored him all the way. They pretended that the dog did not existed. They refused to f…
A dog got abandoned but fortunately she wouldn’t be alone forever
There are lots and lots of stories of dogs around the world getting abandoned by their owners for no reason at all.
Cruel behavior
There are lots and lots of stories of dogs around the world …
Marine Says Goodbye To A Stray Dog. 2 Days Later, He Never Expects THIS!
In 2007, Marine Major Brian Dennis went to Iraq for his second tour of duty. He was there to train Iraqi soldiers at a base camp where stray dogs ran rampant. But as soon as Major Dennis met one ve…
Dog Dropped Off And Left To Die Because He Was ‘Too Yucky’ Given Second Chance At Life
Nik Nak just wanted to be loved, that’s all any dog really wants in life. Toys and treats are all well and good, but at the end of the day, they just want to get nice pets and have a human to love …
Abused Pit Bull Gets Love For First Time!
This video will warm your heart and break it at the same time. This beautiful Pit Bull was rescued from a dog fighting ring and placed in a shelter. You can see the scars on his body. It is so s…
Two-Legged Pit Bull Gets Puppy Brother And The Love Is Out Of Control!
Here’s a fair warning before watching the video on the next page – you might keel over from way too much cuteness. Not even kidding. It’s so much cute!
A dog named Fifty is missing a front and a…
Rescue Dog Learns Sign Language To Communicate With His Human
Neeva is four years old and she also happens to be deaf. Her mother, Chelsea Goff, went to Animal Humane, a shelter in New Mexico, seeking a dog that would fit in with their family.
Then they me…
Rescued Pittie Steps Into The Backyard Of Her New Forever Home For The 1st Time And It’s SPECTACULAR!
Watching dogs who were once abused or neglected FINALLY feel what it’s like to be loved and cared for just might be the best thing on the planet. I don’t know about you but I never tire of watching…
Pit Bull Only Able To Crawl His Whole Life Walks For First Time After Surgery!
Roscoe always had to crawl before – or even be carried – because he just couldn’t stand up without it being assumingly painful. And definitely too difficult to do.
Thank goodness for modern tech…
She gave up everything to rescue this poor baby, then she looks into his eyes and realizes this…
There are problems we can solve. When you run out of gas, you get some more. When you break a glass, you can get a new one. Then there are those big problems: hunger, war, homelessness, and the mil…
A Senior Dog Experiences Love And Kindness For The Very First Time
A senior dog, practically forgotten, lived his life in a cage at a high kill shelter in Romania. Bandit had a large tumor on his leg. Howl of a Dog rescued him, had his tumor removed, and his now g…