Dog Videos
CategoryDog Practices Being a Feline Dental Hygienist
We can’t really tell if the dog imagines himself some sort of amature, feline dental hygienist, or if he really is just the world’s worst cat-kisser. The cat doesn’t seem to mind either way.
See the Awesome Reactions of Dogs Being Unchained for Good
Mama and Oreo spent their lives being chained up, enduring the elements with only basic shelter. The elderly woman who rescued them lived in a very poor area and wasn’t allowed to have pets indoors…
Teddy The Sweet Little Dog Plays In The Rain For The First Time
Dogs always seem to amuse us in some way, but Teddy takes the cake in the rain. While most doggies could do without getting wet, this little French bulldog welcomes it with open paws.
Teddy is i…
Blind Great Dane Learns How To Make Friends With Other Pups
Fostering a pet is always a noble thing to do. There are tons of animals out there that would otherwise be on the street or on death row at a kill shelter. It’s amazing to give a home, even if it’s…
Dog learns to give hugs on command
The only thing better than a dog is a hugging dog! Witness this one give a little boy a hug the instant he asks for it. Precious!
Corgi sits back, enjoys lovely bike ride
Sir Cinnamon Toast the corgi enjoys a sunny day on a nice ride down the sidewalk. This is the way to relax!
Tug-of-War Between 3 Dogs Has Surprise Ending
Just to further prove the old adage “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover,” we present this tug-of-war between these three dogs. The result of which explains why we seem to love the “underdog” in…
Dog Throws Tantrum When Human Wants to Leave Park
How do you know that this dog is a spoiled dog? Take a look at the tantrum he throws when his human tells him it’s time to go home. WHAT. A. HAM! OK, so you played dead, and it worked. You can …
Touching Reunion: Marine Veteran Finds Missing Service Dog
The pair were separated only briefly, overnight, but to Marine veteran Chris Galliher, it likely seemed an eon since he’d seen Raider, the service dog who has been so indispensable in his transitio…
Literally, The World’s Laziest Dog
OK, so we may not have a lot in the way of proof that this is in fact the world’s laziest dog. However, we feel that the fact that he’s lying in the way of an automatic door, preventing it from cl…
There Are Rescues And Then There’s THIS!
A river flood in Lima isolated this poor pup on a tiny island. What these men were willing to do to save him has my jaw permanently stuck on the ground. These are true heroes! The men weren’t even …
Impatient Dog Lays On The Horn–Wait ‘Til You See The Look On His Face!
On a cool day, the owner of two Airedale Terriers ran into a local pizza shop to pick up a pie… but the impatient pups couldn’t help but make a huge scene!
Impatient Dog Lays On The Horn–Wait ‘Til You See The Look On His Face!
On a cool day, the owner of two Airedale Terriers ran into a local pizza shop to pick up a pie… but the impatient pups couldn’t help but make a huge scene!
FunnyMom01 posted this hilarious vide…
Rescued Fox Is the Perfect Mix of Cat and Dog
You really want to adopt a pet, but you’re having a hard time deciding what to get – a cat or a dog. They each have really great qualities, and bring so much joy to life. You’d really love to get…